Tree Decisions - Conditions and/or Reasons for Decision

Case Reference Number: 10 /00902
Tree Address: Gardens Rear Of 50/120, Elgin Crescent, LONDON  
Ward: Norland
Conservation Area: Ladbroke
Proposal Details
Proposed Works: FELL 2 x Damson, 1 x Tree of H
Application Date: 10/11/2010
TPO Number: 19
Decision Details
Decision: Granted
Decision Date: 25/11/2010
Works Agreed or Refused
The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea stipulates that the felled trees be replaced by: 1 x Cedrus atlantica, 1 x Betula utilis, 1 x Sequoiadendron giganteum and 1 x Prunus pissardii as outlined in BS3936 (Nursery Stock Part 1 Specification for Trees and Shrubs) or BS 5236 (Recommendations for cultivation and planting of trees in Advanced Nursery Stock Category) shall be planted as a replacement. The tree(s) shall be planted in the next planting season following removal. The planting season runs from 1 November to 31 March. If, within five years of the date of planting, the replacement tree/s dies, is removed or becomes seriously dangerous or diseased, it shall be replaced in the next planting season with another tree/s of the same size and species. For further information please contact the Arboriculturist at the above address.
All felling and pruning works as per specification submitted.