Food hygiene rating

Food hygiene rating

The food hygiene rating scheme is run by the borough in partnership with the Food Standards Agency.

Food hygiene rating scheme banner

The scheme provides information about hygiene standards in:

  • restaurants
  • pubs
  • cafés
  • takeaways
  • hotels
  • other places you eat out
  • supermarkets and food shops

How we calculate ratings

Each business is given a rating following an inspection by a food safety officer. They inspect:

  • how hygienically the food is handled
  • safe food preparation such as cooking, re-heating, cooling and storage
  • the premises such as cleanliness, repair, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities
  • food safety management and documentation

The rating reflects the conditions found at the time of the last inspection and does not reflect the quality of food or the standards of service the business provides.

A business is given a rating of 0 to 5.

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

All businesses should be able achieve the top rating of 5. Where a business does not achieve the top rating, the food safety officer will explain to the owner or manager, what improvements are needed.

Search hygiene ratings

You can look up food hygiene ratings for businesses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Search food hygiene ratings.

You can also check individual businesses when you are out and about by looking for a window sticker showing their rating. Display is voluntary in England.

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

Re-rating a business

If a business makes improvements to their hygiene standards they can request a revisit. A rating may go up, down or stay the same, depending on the conditions found at the time of the revisit.

We charge £308 for rescoring revisits. Contact the Environmental Health Team if you would like a rescore visit.

Find out more

Read more about the food hygiene rating scheme.

Last updated: 24 May 2022