5 Renewing the Joint Venture Agreement - Central London Forward KD1008933 PDF 128 KB
Cllr. Josh Rendall, Lead Member for Adult Social Care & Public Health introduced report.
Officers advised that the Central London Forward (CLF) was the largest of four sub-regional partnerships across Greater London that act as a conduit between the boroughs and London government. Adding that whilst it was not a legal entity, CLF was created to champion the strategic interests of central London’s residents and businesses and to provide a platform for public policy and collaboration.
The Leadership Team agreed that the annual subscription fee of £40,000 was good value for money because it provided additional services beneficial to the borough residents and communities and promotes inclusive and sustainable growth.
The Leadership Team RESOLVED, for the reasons set out in paragraphs 3.1- 3.4 and elsewhere within the report, that the recommendations at paragraph 2.1 – 2.2 be adopted.
The Leadership Team:
a) Agreed that the Council enters into a renewed partnership agreement for Central London Forward for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2028,
b) Agreed to pay an annual subscription, which has been frozen at the current level of £40,000.
Action by: Executive Director of Resources