Cllr. Johnny Thalassites, Lead Member for Finance, Customer Services, Net Zero Council, introduced the report setting out the background to the proposed decision. He explained that this report was a follow-on from the Oracle Programme report that was approved by Leadership Team in February 2023.
Officers explained the four options explored in the report and explained why option three was deemed to be the most appropriate measure to take as it was the safest option for the Council with the fewest negative risks. Officers added that choosing this option would help to overcome the issues referred to in the report, such as the transfer of data from Hampshire County Council and the implementation of Oracle Redwood from commencement of the programme.
Councillor Weale, Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee agreed with the recommendations and thanked officers for the clear report and for the early presentation to Overview & Scrutiny Committee. However, she expressed concern over the significant increase in budget and suggested that the lessons learnt would mitigate against such a situation in the future.
The Leadership Team RESOLVED, for the reasons set out in paragraph 3.1- 3.7 and elsewhere within the report, that the recommendations at paragraph 2.1 -2.12 to be adopted.
The Leadership Team
a) Noted the risk associated with the current ‘Go Live’ date of October 2024 and the mitigating factors proposed to manage this risk and enable delivery of a successful programme.
b) Agreed to the new April 2025 ‘Go Live’ date for the reasons detailed in this report.
c) Agreed to extend and vary the existing contract between the Council and Bramble Hub Ltd for the provision of Business Integrator Services for a term of up to 31 March 2025, and for the additional cost of up to £154,250 excluding VAT.
d) Agreed to extend and vary the existing contract between the Council and Version 1 Solutions Ltd, for the provision of System Integrator Services for a term of up to 30 June 2025, and for the additional cost of up to £1,129,126 excluding VAT.
e) Agreed to enter into a direct call off from the Oracle ERP Cloud Implementation - Digital Marketplace (a CCS framework) for additional and new work with Version 1 Solutions Ltd for a period of 15 months up to 30 June 2025, with a total value of up to £1,079,514 excluding VAT.
f) Agreed to extend the current arrangement with Hampshire County Council for the provision of the IBC service from 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025, at a cost of £1.2m excluding VAT.
g) Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Resources following consultation with the Chief Solicitor and Monitoring Officer to approve and finalise the terms of the necessary agreements as set out in this paragraph 2.
h) Agreed the additional internal resource requirements associated with moving the Go Live date, totalling £1.5m.
i) Agreed to vary the existing contract with Insight Direct (UK) Limited for the purchase of additional Oracle licences at a cost of up to £800k ... view the full minutes text for item 8