Agenda and minutes

Planning Applications Committee - Tuesday, 13th February, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, The Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street W8 7NX

Contact: Governance Services 

No. Item



Any member of the Council who has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting is reminded to disclose the interest to the meeting and to leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place.


Members are also reminded that if they have any other significant interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting, which they feel should be declared in the public interest, such interests should be declared to the meeting. In such circumstances Members should consider whether their continued participation, in the matter relating to the interest, would be reasonable in the circumstances, particularly if the interest may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests, or whether they should leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place.




Any Member of the Committee who does not have a disclosable pecuniary or other significant interest in a planning application to be considered at the meeting but who has been involved in organising support for or objections to such a planning application, submitted representations or expressed support for or opposition to the application (either publicly or in private with the applicant or objectors) should declare this at the meeting. At the point during the meeting when that planning application is to be considered, the Member should stop participating (but not necessarily leave the meeting) until the Committee has made its decision unless the Member believes that he or she is able to consider and that he or she would be seen to consider the application with an open mind, fairly and on its merits.



Declarations of interest were received from Cllr Idris who as a governor of Oxford Gardens Primary School would recuse herself when agenda item N13 was discussed.


Cllr Mackover under any other interests, declared that he had met an objector last year for agenda item N17 (17 Chepstow Crescent) but had not discussed the application.



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No apologies were received.





The minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2023 were confirmed as a correct record for the Vice-Chairman’s signature.




Reports on the below applications are attached for Members of the Committee. Any person requiring more information about the background papers used in the preparation of any of these reports should telephone 020 7361 2004.


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N13 - PP/23/07451 - Flat 6, 24 Pembridge Crescent, LONDON, W11 3DS pdf icon PDF 191 KB

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N13 – PP/23/07451 – Flat 6, 24 Pembridge Crescent, W11 3DS


[Cllr Mackover was absent for item N13 and did not partake in the Committee’s discussion or decision.]


Description of Development: Installation of a new heat pump on the roof.


Alice Culver highlighted the letter from the applicant in response to the objectors that was included in the Addendum Report.


Sabine Rast Burkhalter addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Davide Mantegazza addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 8 of the Officer report.



N14 - PP/23/07647 - Oxford Gardens Primary School, Oxford Gardens, LONDON, W10 6NE pdf icon PDF 188 KB

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N14 – PP/23/07647 – Oxford Gardens Primary School, Oxford Gardens, W10 6NE


[Cllr Idris stepped down from the Committee for this application.]


Description of Development: Proposed outbuilding to accommodate relocation of the school site manager's workshop and storage, and replacement of existing trellis fencing by the proposed outbuilding.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 8 of the Officer report.


N15 - CON/23/06963 - 1 Derry Street and service yard and rear garden of 34 Kensington Square, LONDON, W8 pdf icon PDF 160 KB

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N15 – CON/23/06963 – 1 Derry Street and service yard and rear garden of 34 Kensington Square, LONDON W8


Description of Development: Details required by condition 9f (Submission of details - Details of the security trellising to the boundary walls) of planning permission 21/05647 (Variation of condition 2 (compliance with approved plans) of planning permission 20/00233 allowed under appeal ref. APP/K5600/W/20/3258851 for replacing 2 windows originally intended to be blocked to north elevation, replacing wooden bollards with mobile trough planters and trellis, adding a wrought iron gate, removing landscaping works to south yard, all window frames to be light grey, instead of white, replacing south core urinal with 2 lavatories to all floors, inserting changing/shower/WCs/ cycle stores to basement, adding a glazed screen, escape door and fire curtains to reception, raising pavilion floor level by 150mm (amended description)).


Reyhan Sunar addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Mick Delaney, Scott Kite, Joseph McNeil and Sophie Wilson addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the recommended conditions be discharged as detailed in the officer report.


N16 - PP/23/06221 - 75 Lansdowne Road, LONDON, W11 2LG pdf icon PDF 243 KB

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N16 – PP/23/06221 – 75 Lansdowne Road, W11 2LG


Description of Development: Conversion of loft to create living space with additional rooflights and dormer windows. Rear extension up to No 77 Lansdowne Road building line. Extend front lower ground floor to form utility room; replacement windows to front and rear with double glazed timber frames; add basement level; Levelling of front entrance. Associated demolition works.


Sophia Lambert, Billie Lee addressed the Committee in objection to the application.

Andrew Goodchild addressed the Committee in objection to the application in support of the application. 


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be refused.


The Committee voted unanimously in support of the reasons for refusal as proposed by Cllr Mackover and seconded by Cllr Isse that Members were not satisfied that all the concerns raised by the Conservation and Design Team had been adequately addressed over the scale of the demolition proposed and that the proposals did not comply with policy CL9 requirements for the rear of the property.




N17 - PP/23/06379 - 17 Chepstow Crescent, LONDON pdf icon PDF 250 KB

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N17 – PP/23/06379 – 17 Chepstow Crescent, LONDON


Description of Development: Replacement of all windows rear facade; re-instatement of segmental arches; repair to rear facade's masonry; extension of lower-ground-floor to include the area below kitchen extension; building of an access staircase between garden and lower-ground-floor; demolition and replacement of rear extension with roof level to match adjacent property including a roof skylight; extension of front garden's lower-ground-floor utility room; retention of 2 existing dwellings. Gabby Westley drew attention to the Addendum Report which included further representations from neighbours and clarifications of the officer report in respect of the increased height of the ground floor and rear extension, terraces and trellises. She noted that the increased height of the first-floor terrace was a material consideration. She also noted that the applicant had provided further details and drawings.


Fiona Fleming-Brown, Susan Deliss, Thalia Bryan, and Isabel Williams addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


David Barnett and David Archer addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be refused. The Committee voted unanimously in support of the reasons for refusal as proposed by Cllr Idris and seconded by Cllr Mackover that the proposals failed to demonstrate compliance with policy CL7, and the Committee had concerns over the openness of the garden, and the increased height of the boundary treatments.



N18 - PP/23/05677 - 5 Shaftesbury Mews, LONDON, W8 6QR pdf icon PDF 195 KB

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N18 – PP/23/05677 – 5 Shaftesbury Mews, W8 6QR


Description of Development: Erection of ground floor rear extension and internal alterations.


Sally-Anne Randolph addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Carl Falck addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report. 


N19 - PP/23/05977 - Basement/Ground Floor Flat, 40 Upper Addison Gardens, LONDON, W14 8AJ pdf icon PDF 208 KB

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N19 – PP/23/05977 – Basement / Ground Floor Flat, 40 Upper Addison Gardens, W14 8AJ


Description of Development: Internal refurbishment and reconfiguration throughout. Installation of comfort cooling, with condenser unit located at rear of garden. Removal of trees to front light well. Alterations to rear garden, including new hard landscaping, lawn and extended sunken garden connected to lower ground floor. Converting a window to an external door to form access to garden. Replacement of all windows, with slimline double glazed windows. External redecoration of façade and balconies/metalwork. External alterations to non-original rear extension, including replacing roof light, and new windows and doors. Installation of six PV panels to roof. Gabby Westley drew the Committee’s attention to the Addendum Report that included further representations from neighbours and the recommended condition from officers to require further details of the replacement railings for the rear of the communal gardens.


Cllr Aarien Areti, Jim Blakemore, Noelle Dumar and Geoff Megarity were in attendance in objection to the application.


Thomas Cary was in attendance in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be refused. The Committee voted unanimously in support of the reasons for refusal as proposed by Cllr Mackover and seconded by Cllr Idris that the proposals failed to comply with policy CL7 and would have a harmful visual impact on the Conservation Area.


N20 and N21 - PP/23/07818 and LB/23/07819 - 26 Clarendon Road, LONDON, W11 3AB pdf icon PDF 197 KB

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N20 and N21 – PP/23/07818 and LB/23/07819 – 26 Clarendon Road, W11 3AB


Description of Development PP/23/07818:  Internal refurbishment and reconfiguration throughout. Installation of comfort cooling, with condenser unit located at rear of garden. Removal of trees to front light well. Alterations to rear garden, including new hard landscaping, lawn and extended sunken garden connected to lower ground floor. Converting a window to an external door to form access to garden. Replacement of all windows, with slimline double glazed windows. External redecoration of façade and balconies/metalwork. External alterations to non-original rear extension, including replacing roof light, and new windows and doors. Installation of six PV panels to roof.


Description of Development LB/23/07819: Listed Building Consent.


Alice Culver drew attention to recommended condition in the Addendum Report.


Benedikte Gladman addressed the Committee in objection to the application.

Fiona Rae read out a letter of objection from Flo Main, a registered speaker.

Tom Harris addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report, and to an additional Condition requiring testing of the equipment once it had been installed and to an Informative concerning measurement of noise levels from different locations and over weekends.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Listed Building Consent LB/23/07819 be granted with the conditions listed in Section 2 of the Officer report.





N22 and N23 - PP/23/08085 and LB/23/08086 - Colville Primary School, Lonsdale Road, LONDON, W11 2DF pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Additional documents:


N22 and N23 – PP/23/08085 and LB/23/08086 – Colville Primary School, Lonsdale Road, W11 2DF


Description of Development: Installation of two wood bike and scooter shelters, one within the curtilage of and one fixed to the façade of Colville Primary School. (Retrospective Application).


Description of Development (LB/23/08086): Listed Building consent with the conditions listed in Section 2 of this report.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Listed Building Consent  LB/23/08086 be granted with the conditions listed in Section 2 of the Officer report.



S10 - PP/23/08025 - 38 Chelsea Square, LONDON, SW3 6LH pdf icon PDF 219 KB

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S10 – PP.23/08025 - 38 Chelsea Square, SW3 6LH


Description of Development: Erection of a stepped rear extension at upper ground floor and first/ second floors, alterations to fenestration, lowering of lower ground floor swimming pool, provision of air source heat pumps in cut-out to roof, provision of air conditioning units and attenuation in timber housings at rear terrace, raising of existing plant enclosure, moving forward of front door provision of light fixtures, changing colour of glass balustrades to front facade, provision of green roof to ground floor rear extension, provision of new rooflights to main roof and rear garden over swimming pool, raising of roof to lower ground floor front entrance and plant room and provision of PV panels to main roof.


Owen Edwards, Steven Levrant, Michele Faissola and Alexander Schwimmer addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


James Harris and Mr and Mrs Sternheimer addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED BY A MAJORITY (with Cllrs Adourian and Idris dissenting): That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report.


S11 - PP/23/07051 - College House, 272 King's Road, LONDON pdf icon PDF 163 KB

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S11 - PP/23/07051 - College House, 272 King's Road, LONDON


Description of Development: Installation of 3 external condensers, louvres and external balustrade on 2nd floor roof.


Jane Corbet-Singleton addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Jan Donovan addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the Conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report with the additional condition to require testing of the external condensers for noise levels and vibration once they had been installed.


S12 - PP/23/07238 - 12 The Little Boltons, LONDON, SW10 9LP pdf icon PDF 209 KB

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S12 – PP/23/07238 - 12 The Little Boltons, SW10 9LP


Description of Development: Excavation under footprint of house and part of front and rear gardens to form a single basement level and lowering of existing lower ground floor slab to improve floor to ceiling height at this level; rebuilding of 1960's two storey rear addition at lower ground and ground floor levels; construction of a single storey side addition at lower ground level; enlargement of rear dormer window and replacement of existing dormers on front and side roof slopes; and elevational alterations.


Cllr Marie-Therese Rossi addressed the Committee in objection to the application.

Tracey Rust addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED BY A MAJORITY (with Cllrs Bennett and Mackover dissenting): That Planning Permission be refused.. The Committee voted by a majority (with Cllr Bennett dissenting and Cllr Mackover abstaining) in support of the reasons for refusal that the depth of the swimming pool would not comply with policy CL7 and the proposal would harm the living conditions of neighbours.



S13 - PP/23/07338 - 16 Princes Gate Mews, LONDON, SW7 2PS pdf icon PDF 158 KB

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S13 – PP/23/07338 - 16 Princes Gate Mews, SW7 2PS


Description of Development: Provision of air source heat pump condenser adjacent to chimney breast.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions as listed in Section 9 of the Officer report.



[Each written report on the public part of the Agenda as detailed above:

(i)         was made available on the Council’s website from the date of the Agenda;

(ii)        incorporates a list of the background papers which (i) disclose any facts or matters on which that report, or any important part of it, is based; and (ii) have been relied upon to a material extent in preparing it. (Relevant documents which contain confidential or exempt information are not listed.); and

(iii)        may, with the consent of the Chairman and subject to specified reasons, be supported at the meeting by way of oral statement or further written report in the event of special circumstances arising after the despatch of the Agenda.]





The meeting finished at 11.47pm.       


