Agenda and minutes

Planning Applications Committee - Tuesday, 26th March, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, The Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street W8 7NX

Contact: Governance Services 

No. Item




No apologies were received.




Any member of the Council who has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting is reminded to disclose the interest to the meeting and to leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place.


Members are also reminded that if they have any other significant interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting, which they feel should be declared in the public interest, such interests should be declared to the meeting. In such circumstances Members should consider whether their continued participation, in the matter relating to the interest, would be reasonable in the circumstances, particularly if the interest may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests, or whether they should leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place.




Any Member of the Committee who does not have a disclosable pecuniary or other significant interest in a planning application to be considered at the meeting but who has been involved in organising support for or objections to such a planning application, submitted representations or expressed support for or opposition to the application (either publicly or in private with the applicant or objectors) should declare this at the meeting. At the point during the meeting when that planning application is to be considered, the Member should stop participating (but not necessarily leave the meeting) until the Committee has made its decision unless the Member believes that he or she is able to consider and that he or she would be seen to consider the application with an open mind, fairly and on its merits.



No declarations of interest were made.




Reports on the below applications are attached for Members of the Committee. Any person requiring more information about the background papers used in the preparation of any of these reports should telephone 020 7361 2004.


Additional documents:


STR04 - PP/23/08446 - Store, 37 Pembroke Road, LONDON pdf icon PDF 209 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Alterations to existing building comprising extension of central roof, provision of a green roof and retention of external walls to accommodate a salt store.


The addendum report included amendments to paragraph 8.4, and conditions 3 and 7.


Michael Rawlinson addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Dr Grewal addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Ms Tanya Kozak (Agent) addressed the committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED BY MAJORITY (with Cllr Thaxter abstaining): That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report.



S28 - PP/23/06704 - Park House, Onslow Square, LONDON, SW7 2NG pdf icon PDF 205 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Variation of condition 1 (compliance with approved drawings) of planning permission 21/01039, to amend approved drawings to allow: retention of additional doors; variations to window details to SE garden elevations; retention of ridge/ eaves heights 'as built'; retention of glazing to first floor side window; retention of ashlar cut render detail to lower part of the SW side and rear elevation; retention of horizontal banding detail to lower part of side and rear elevation; retention of additional blank windows at ground and first floor level to side elevation; removal of chimney to SW roof plain; replacement of 5 glazed lanterns with flat glazed panels to conservatory roof; minor repositioning of windows to SW elevation; retention of 6 no. roof lights at low level (north west elevation); omission of a chimney, reconfiguration of portico/porch, additional drainpipes, relocation of door and higher transon to f/f SW elevation; and addition of leaded dormer to first floor glazed walk.


Officers indicated that an additional objection had been received as noted in the addendum report.


Ms Louise Hubar addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Keith Chichester (Agent) addressed the committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted on the satisfactory completion of an undertaking or agreement to secure the matters in section 7 of the report and with the conditions listed in Section 9, as stated in paragraph 1.2 of the Officer report.



S32 - PP/24/00138 - 36 and 36A Upcerne Road, LONDON, SW10 0SQ pdf icon PDF 184 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Construction of a three storey rear extension with ground floor rear terrace and privacy screen.


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report in which an additional objection had been received.


Richard Jacques addressed the committee in objection to the application.


RESOLVED BY MAJORITY (With Cllr Zvedeniuk and Cllr Hargreaves dissenting): That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report.



N37 & N38 - PP/23/07165 & LB/23/07166 - 34 Kensington Square, LONDON pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Erection of new 2.5m height garden wall (amendment to PP/21/05647 and LB/21/05395).


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report which amended paragraphs 3.3, 4.4 and 6.4 to replace the reference to Dangerous Structures Notice (DSN) to instead refer to a Neglected Structures Notice (NSN).


Officers indicated that an additional representation and an updated version of the map had been received.


Reyhan Suner addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Nick Delaney (Agent) addressed the committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: that Listed Building consent be granted with the conditions listed in Section 2 of the Officer report.



S33 - PP/23/07918 - 27 Burnsall Street, LONDON, SW3 3SR pdf icon PDF 197 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Construction of single storey basement below footprint of house and part of front and rear gardens, including the creation of lightwells, new rooflight and removal of one solar panel at main roof.


Hayley Richardson addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Jeremy Marsden addressed the in objection to the application.


Josh Glendhill (applicant) addressed the committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED: to AMEND Condition 6.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report, including an amendment to Condition 6.



N41 - PP/23/06120 - 81 Abbotsbury Road, LONDON, W14 8EP pdf icon PDF 209 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Formation of a basement storey under the footprint of the house and not exceeding 50% part of rear garden featuring three rear walk on roof-lights.


Stefan Zehle addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Andrew Dewhurst (agent) addressed the committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 8 of the Officer report.



S29 - PP/24/00168 - 1 Smith Terrace, LONDON, SW3 4DL pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Demolition and rebuilding of outrigger, outrigger will be reinstated to exact dimensions of the demolished outrigger, materials used will match.


Annabelle Loras addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Jan Rowland addressed the committee in objection to the application.


RESOLVED: to ADD an additional Condition to the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 8 of the Officer report, including the additional Condition 6. 



N39 - PP/23/08023 - 8 Berkeley Gardens, LONDON pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Amalgamation of 2 existing flats to create a single family dwelling.


Ms Kate Matthews (Agent) addressed the committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED BY MAJORITY (with one abstention): to NOT ADOPT the recommendation, listed in section 1, to refuse planning permission for reasons listed in section 9 of the Officer report.


RESOLVED BY MAJORITY: to OVERTURN the recommendation and that planning permission be granted, with the conditions delegated to officers to consider to be attached to the grant of planning permission.



S30 - PP/23/08435 - 12-18 Fawcett Street, LONDON pdf icon PDF 170 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Erection of a mansard roof across all terrace houses, along with reinstatement of front main cornice.


Jullian Williams (Agent) addressed the committee in support of the application.


Cllr Tom Bennett addressed the committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to NOT ADOPT the recommendation, listed in section 1, to refuse planning permission for reasons listed in section 9 of the Officer report.


RESOLVED BY MAJORITY: to OVERTURN the recommendation and that planning permission be granted, with the conditions delegated to officers to consider to be attached to the grant of planning permission.


The meeting adjourned at 8.39pm and reconvened at 8.43pm.


Cllr Thaxter left the meeting at 8.39pm and did not return.



S31 - CON/23/07533 - Land Rear of, 402-416 King's Road, LONDON pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Details required by Condition 14 (Trees and Landscaping details) of planning permission PP/21/05681 (Erection of single storey plus basement, two bedroom dwelling with associated landscaping).


Officers indicated that eight further objections had been received as noted in the addendum report.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the details required by Condition 14 of planning permission PP/21/05681 be approved.



N40 - PP/24/00603 - Ground Floor, 173-175 Portobello Road, LONDON, W11 2DY pdf icon PDF 170 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Variation of condition 2 (compliance with approved drawings) and 6 (conservation rooflights) of planning permission 23/04892 to reduce size and amend location of consented rooflights.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED: to REVISE Condition 6.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report, including revised condition 6.



S26 - CON/24/00507 - 48 Seymour Walk, LONDON, SW10 9NF pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Variation of condition 2 (compliance with approved drawings) and 6 (conservation rooflights) of planning permission 23/04892 to reduce size and amend location of consented rooflights.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED: to REVISE Condition 6.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report, including revised condition 6.



N35 - CON/23/07275 - 133-137, 139 Westbourne Grove and 2 Pembridge Villas, LONDON pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Details required by conditions 4 (CTMP) of planning permission ref. PP/22/00916 dated 09th September 2023 (Demolition of 133-137 Westbourne Grove behind retained facades; demolition of 2 Pembridge Villas behind retained facade to front elevation. Creation of basement level at 2 Pembridge Villas and lowering of basement level at 133- 137 Westbourne Grove by approximately 1.6m and extension of basement level underneath 139 Westbourne Grove and partly into courtyard to Pembridge Villas elevation. Redevelopment behind those retained facades and erection of two storey building at 139 Westbourne Grove - to provide 3 apartments (1 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed and 1 x 3 bed units), 4 commercial units (Class E) and an external courtyard/terrace area adjacent to the pavement fronting Pembridge Villas, together with associated works including, doors, windows, shopfronts, roof, plant, waste and cycle storage, landscaping, boundary treatments, and refurbishment of retained facade of 133-137 Westbourne Grove, refurbishment and alterations to retained facade at 2 Pembridge Villas).


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the details required by condition 4 of planning permission ref. PP/22/00916, be approved.



N36 - CON/24/00648 - 19 Campden Grove, LONDON, W8 4JG pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Details required by Condition 4 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) of planning permission ref. PP/23/01670 dated 16th June 2023 (Excavation and construction of a single storey basement below house and partly under garden, with associated lightwell to rear covered by reinforced obscured glass at lower ground floor level; infill extension at lower ground, ground and first floors between existing and neighbouring closet wing; reconfiguration of lower ground floor to include glazing at rear; levelling of lower garden by 1500mm; additional exit at ground floor level to the rear, with steps down to the garden; spiral metal staircase at lower ground floor and basement level at front of house to provide access and escape).


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the details required by condition 4 attached to planning permission ref. PP/23/01670be approved.



S27 - PP/23/08056 - 13-15 The Little Boltons, LONDON, SW10 9LJ pdf icon PDF 173 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Construction of a replacement rear extension at upper ground floor level (No. 15).


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report.




[Each written report on the public part of the Agenda as detailed above:

(i)         was made available on the Council’s website from the date of the Agenda;

(ii)        incorporates a list of the background papers which (i) disclose any facts or matters on which that report, or any important part of it, is based; and (ii) have been relied upon to a material extent in preparing it. (Relevant documents which contain confidential or exempt information are not listed.); and

(iii)        may, with the consent of the Chairman and subject to specified reasons, be supported at the meeting by way of oral statement or further written report in the event of special circumstances arising after the despatch of the Agenda.]



There were none.