Agenda and minutes

Planning Applications Committee - Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, The Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street W8 7NX

Contact: Governance Services 

No. Item




No apologies were received.



Any member of the Council who has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting is reminded to disclose the interest to the meeting and to leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place.


Members are also reminded that if they have any other significant interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting, which they feel should be declared in the public interest, such interests should be declared to the meeting. In such circumstances Members should consider whether their continued participation, in the matter relating to the interest, would be reasonable in the circumstances, particularly if the interest may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests, or whether they should leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place.




Any Member of the Committee who does not have a disclosable pecuniary or other significant interest in a planning application to be considered at the meeting but who has been involved in organising support for or objections to such a planning application, submitted representations or expressed support for or opposition to the application (either publicly or in private with the applicant or objectors) should declare this at the meeting. At the point during the meeting when that planning application is to be considered, the Member should stop participating (but not necessarily leave the meeting) until the Committee has made its decision unless the Member believes that he or she is able to consider and that he or she would be seen to consider the application with an open mind, fairly and on its merits.



Cllr Tom Bennett made a declaration of interest in relation to S41 - PP/24/00799 – 5 Seymour Walk, LONDON, SW10 9NE as he had objected to a previous version of the application. He announced he would recuse himself from that item.


Cllr Aarien Areti said that he had no connection with item S39 - PP/24/01036 - Hotel, 19-21 Penywern Road, LONDON, SW5 9TT.  




Reports on the below applications are attached for Members of the Committee. Any person requiring more information about the background papers used in the preparation of any of these reports should telephone 020 7361 2004.


Additional documents:


N46 - PP/24/00260 - 14 Pembridge Road, LONDON pdf icon PDF 159 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Alterations to shopfront (Retrospective Application)


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report and noted that an additional objection had been received from Cllr Gardner, Condition 2 had been amended and an additional informative had been added.


Officers confirmed that the registered speakers for the item would not be speaking following the publication of the addendum report.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report, subject to a typo correction in Condition 8 “openable”.








S39 - PP/24/01036 - Hotel, 19-21 Penywern Road, LONDON, SW5 9TT pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Retention of plant at rear of hotel and installation of acoustic enclosure.


Cllr Linda Wade addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Mr Byron Wilson (Ariyan Hotels Limited) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report.




N49 - PP/23/08248 - 116-118 Gloucester Road, LONDON pdf icon PDF 227 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Construction of side extension with three self contained studio apartments. Replacement of open fire escape stair with enclosed escape staircase.


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report which highlighted the receipt of additional objections and amended Condition 8.


Ali Arif addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Mr. G. Stamos addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Mr. A. Kadem addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED: to AMEND Condition 8 in relation to the management of refuse and recycling.


RESOLVED: to ADD an additional Informative to clarify that the grant of the permission would be for residential use only.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: that Planning Permission be granted on the satisfactory completion of an undertaking or agreement to secure the matters in Section 7 of this report with the conditions listed in Section 10 of this report, as stated in paragraph 1.3 of the officer report, as well as the amended condition.



N48 - PP/24/00678 - 226 Westbourne Grove, LONDON pdf icon PDF 211 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Removal of garden structures and erection of retractable glazed roof over restaurant garden. Relocation of external plant to balcony within acoustic enclosure.


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report and noted that Condition 8 had been amended.


Fiona Fleming-Brown addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Sue Rodgers addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Katie Turvey addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Torben Anderson addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED: to EDIT Condition 3 in relation to the submission of details.


RESOLVED: to ADD Condition on the use of the outdoor area to align with the 2016 Inspectors decision.


RESOLVED: to AMEND Condition 8 in relation to the Garden Terrace Management Policy.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officers report and the amended and added conditions.



S40 - PP/24/00780 - 31B Fernshaw Road, LONDON, SW10 0TN pdf icon PDF 181 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Proposed straightening of external walls on first floor and creation of brick facades, raising of first floor's roof height to incorporate a green roof with flat skylights, first floor extensions.


Simon Weatherley addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Ioanna Soumelidou addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED: to ADD a Condition related to details and maintenance of the green roof.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report, as well as the added condition.



S41 - PP/24/00799 - 5 Seymour Walk, LONDON, SW10 9NE pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Creation of basement below buildings and half of garden area; alterations to lightwells; creation of three rooflights with associated internal plant and landscaping.


Cllr Tom Bennett formally recused himself from the item and left the room following the initial declaration of interest. Cllr Sam Mackover formally Chaired the item.


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report which amended Paragraph 1.1.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report.


Cllr Tom Bennett resumed the position of Chairman for the remainder of the meeting.



S42 - PP/24/01157 - 155 Old Church Street, LONDON, SW3 6EB pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Variation of Condition 2 (compliance with approved drawings) of planning permission PP/22/00074 to rebuild upper rear facade and main roof and to reintroduce historic features on front and rear elevations.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the officer report.



S43 - PP/23/06322 - 37 Carlyle Square, LONDON, SW3 6HA pdf icon PDF 195 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Variation of condition 2 (Compliance with approved drawings) of planning permission ref. PP/20/06495 for the relocation of previously approved condenser unit to basement level; relocation of front door; retain existing windows positions, instead enlarge x1 window at first floor level; retain existing roof light positions on front elevation and introduce x1 additional roof light on the flank elevation; party wall elevations have been corrected to show accurate levels, with party wall details subsequently reconfigured plus inclusion of revised drainage details (originally sought by condition) and revised re-landscaping plans (also originally sought by condition).


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report that amended Condition 8.


There were no speakers for this item.


The Committee agreed to delegate authority to Officers to investigate whether a drawing error had occurred as the proposed front elevation did not show the brick detailing at the front of the property. Officers agreed to inform Cllr Bennett of their findings.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the officer report.



S46 - CON/24/01461 - 40 Pelham Street, LONDON, SW7 2NN pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Details required by condition 8 (Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)) of planning permission 21/00457 (Alterations to eastern building, demolition behind retained façade of western building to create two storey office, excavation of a basement beneath part of the western building, and works including associated bin storage, hard and soft landscaping, cycle parking, plant and necessary ancillary works).


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report which highlighted two additional comments, including comment from the MP for Kensington, Felicity Buchan.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to approve the relevant condition (condition 8 of planning permission PP/21/00457).



S47 - CON/24/01513 - 63-81 Pelham Street, LONDON pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Details required by condition 34 (Demolition Traffic Management Plan (DTMP)) of planning permission 21/00471 (Demolition of building to basement level and construction of part two storey, part ground plus five story office building with gym use at basement level, associated bin storage, cycle parking, plant and other ancillary works.(Major Application)).


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report which highlighted two additional comments, including comment from the MP for Kensington, Felicity Buchan.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant the application to approve the relevant condition (condition 34 of planning permission PP/21/00471).



S44 - PP/23/08277 - 299-305 & 309 Fulham Road, LONDON, SW10 9QH pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Refurbishment of existing residential accommodation and replanning of layouts to deliver 10 residential units, creation of roof terraces to the rear of the buildings, modification of the rear extension for a communal staircase and other associated works.


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report that amended Condition 2, Paragraph 6.7, Paragraph 9.1, Section 8.1 and removed Informatives 3 and 5.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: that Planning Permission be granted on the satisfactory completion of an undertaking or agreement to secure the matters in Section 8 of the report and with the conditions listed in Section 10, as stated in paragraph 1.2 of the Officer report.



S45 - PP/23/08242 - 237-239 King's Road, LONDON, SW3 5EJ pdf icon PDF 158 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Refurbishment of existing residential accommodation and replanning of layouts to deliver 4 residential units.


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the addendum report that amended Paragraph 3.2, Paragraph 4.1 and Paragraph 7.1.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Planning Permission be granted on the satisfactory completion of an undertaking or agreement to secure the matters in section 8 of the report and with the conditions listed in Section 10, as stated in paragraph 1.2 of the Officer report. 



N47 - PP/24/01737 - 53-100 Powis Square, LONDON, W11 2BN pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Replacement of timber and UPVC framed casement windows with new double glazed units to elevations of Nos. 53-100 Powis Square.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 8 of the officer report.




[Each written report on the public part of the Agenda as detailed above:

(i)         was made available on the Council’s website from the date of the Agenda;

(ii)        incorporates a list of the background papers which (i) disclose any facts or matters on which that report, or any important part of it, is based; and (ii) have been relied upon to a material extent in preparing it. (Relevant documents which contain confidential or exempt information are not listed.); and

(iii)        may, with the consent of the Chairman and subject to specified reasons, be supported at the meeting by way of oral statement or further written report in the event of special circumstances arising after the despatch of the Agenda.]



There were none.