Agenda and minutes

Planning Applications Committee - Tuesday, 9th July, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, The Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street W8 7NX

Contact: Governance Services 


No. Item




No apologies were received



Any member of the Council who has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting is reminded to disclose the interest to the meeting and to leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place.


Members are also reminded that if they have any other significant interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting, which they feel should be declared in the public interest, such interests should be declared to the meeting. In such circumstances Members should consider whether their continued participation, in the matter relating to the interest, would be reasonable in the circumstances, particularly if the interest may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests, or whether they should leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place.




Any Member of the Committee who does not have a disclosable pecuniary or other significant interest in a planning application to be considered at the meeting but who has been involved in organising support for or objections to such a planning application, submitted representations or expressed support for or opposition to the application (either publicly or in private with the applicant or objectors) should declare this at the meeting. At the point during the meeting when that planning application is to be considered, the Member should stop participating (but not necessarily leave the meeting) until the Committee has made its decision unless the Member believes that he or she is able to consider and that he or she would be seen to consider the application with an open mind, fairly and on its merits.



Cllr Husband made a declaration in relation to N66 – PP/23/04303 - Second Floor, 11A Dawson Place, LONDON, W2 4TD as the applicant was a Councillor. However, the application had not been discussed with the applicant, and Cllrs Husband, Mackover, North, Hargreaves, and Bakhtiar would sit on the Committee with an open mind.


Cllr Husband also declared that one of the objectors for applications S64 and S65 – CA/24/01907 and LB/24/02239 - 18 Coulson Street, LONDON, SW3 3NB had been his dentist but had not communicated with him in years or discussed the application with him. Thus, he would sit on the Committee with an open mind.





The minutes of the meeting on 21 May 2024 were signed as an accurate record.



Reports on the below applications are attached for Members of the Committee. Any person requiring more information about the background papers used in the preparation of any of these reports should telephone 020 7361 2004.


Additional documents:


N66 - PP/23/04303 - Second Floor, 11A Dawson Place, LONDON, W2 4TD pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Replacement of single-glazed Crittall-style windows with double-glazed uPVC windows.


Officers drew the Committee’s attention to the Addendum Report which indicated that two additional representations had been received, as well as an amendment to the recommended reason for refusal. A copy of informal pre-application advice given to the applicant was also attached to the Addendum Report.


Fiona Fleming-Brown addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Cllr Dori Schmetterling addressed the Committee in support of the application


RESOLVED BY A MAJORITY (with Cllr Bakhtiar abstaining): to REFUSE planning permission in accordance with the recommendation, subject to REVISED reason for refusal:

The proposed windows, by virtual of their design, would fail to respond to the immediate context and would appear out of keeping with the existing windows on the host building, and would fail to preserve, or take the opportunity to enhance the character or appearance of the host building, surrounding townscape and the Pembridge Conservation Area. The application fails to adequately demonstrate otherwise, through the submission of adequate floor plans and elevations, or information regarding the siting, design and overall appearance of the proposed windows to the property. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies CL1, CL2, CL3, CL6 and CL11 of the 2019 Local Plan, emerging policies CD1, CD2, CD3, CD9 and CD14 of the New Local Plan Review and the Pembridge Conservation Area Appraisal Document and the National Planning Policy Framework.



N65 - PP/24/01583 - Flat 6, 174 Ladbroke Grove, LONDON, W10 5LZ pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Additional floor with mansard to existing top floor flat


The Addendum Report included an amendment to Paragraph 6.12.


Bradley Miles (Applicant) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


Olivier Jauniaux (Architect) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to NOT ADOPT the recommendation to refuse planning permission for the reason listed in Section 1.2 of the report.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION as proposed by Cllr Mackover and seconded by Cllr Bakhtiar as it was considered the proposal would not cause any harm to the conservation area.


The Committee unanimously agreed that the creation and determination of the conditions should be decided by the Planning officers .



S64 - CA/24/01907 - 18 Coulson Street, LONDON, SW3 3NB pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Placing three non-illuminated painted signage on front and side elevations.


The Addendum Report included additional paragraphs (6.15 and 6.16) and a correction to paragraph 7.2.


Jonathan Tan (Objector) addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to grant advert consent with the conditions listed in Section 8 of the report.



S65 - LB/24/02239 - 18 Coulson Street, LONDON, SW3 3NB pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Placing three non-illuminated painted signage on front and side elevations.


Officers drew the Committees’ attention to the Addendum Report which included a correction to Paragraph 7.2.


Jonathan Tan (Objector) addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to grant listed building consent with the conditions listed in Section 8 of the report.



S62 & S63 - PP/24/02685 & LB/24/02686 - 28 Christchurch Street, LONDON, SW3 4AR pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Demolition and reconstruction of rear extension at ground and first floor level and associated internal and external alterations.


The Addendum Report included amendments to Paragraphs 1.2, 6.2, and 6.13, as well as an additional representation.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVEDUNANIMOUSLY: to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 8 of the report.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to grant listed building consent with the conditions listed in Section 2 of the report.



S67 - PP/23/01369 - 14 Hogarth Place, LONDON, SW5 0QT pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Change of use and conversion of ground floor and basement from takeaway to bar with enhanced food provision including new shopfront, entrance and escape stair from basement. Refurbishment of first floor flat. (Retrospective) 


The Addendum Report indicated that there were amendments to paragraphs 1.1, 6.16, 6.18, 8.3, and Conditions 1 and 5. There is also an additional informative 4.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the report.



S66 - PP/24/00928 - 23 Nevern Place, LONDON, SW5 9NR pdf icon PDF 165 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Erection of a roof addition and rear extension at third floor level to provide additional hotel rooms.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the report.



N67 - CON/24/03221 - 133-137 and 139 Westbourne Grove, and 2 Pembridge Villas, LONDON, W11 2RS pdf icon PDF 194 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Details required by part Condition 3(f) (Submission of details - terrace design, including finishes, lighting, furniture and landscaping details) of planning permission PP/23/06993 (Variation of condition 2 (compliance with approved drawings) of planning permission Ref. PP/22/00916 to allow external and internal alterations to the approved plans as detailed in the documents submitted with this application, including: further partial demolition of the facade; a larger basement footprint; infill of the basement/ground floor lightwell; second floor plant equipment moved to the former bank roof level; proposed ridge line raised to the same height as the proposed ridge line of the implemented PP/15/05177; existing bank chimney stack to be raised to suit proposed raised roof ridge; low-level louvre box on main villa roof moved to second floor level flat roof; additional Velux added to the side elevation of the villa pitched roof; access hatch on main Villa roof changed to a fixed flat rooflight; access hatch doors in bank gable end wall changed to single door to allow maintenance access from the bank building; and, additional demolition to the Bank turret to accommodate maintenance access to the turret roof gutter)


Officers drew the Committees attention to the Addendum Report which contained amendments to section 2, Paragraph 6.1 and 7.2. It also re-numbered paragraph 6.4 to be 6.5 and added a new paragraph 6.4.


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to approve matters reserved by Condition 3(f) attached to planning permission ref. PP/23/06993, dated 18th January 2024.



N68 - CON/24/03227 - 133-137 and 139 Westbourne Grove, and 2 Pembridge Villas, LONDON, W11 2RS pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Additional documents:


Description of development: Details required by Condition 8 (Trees and landscaping) of planning permission PP/23/06003 (Variation of condition 2 (compliance with approved drawings) of planning permission Ref. PP/22/00916 to allow external and internal alterations to the approved plans as detailed in the documents submitted with this application, including: further partial demolition of the facade; a larger basement footprint; infill of the basement/ground floor lightwell; second floor plant equipment moved to the former bank roof level; proposed ridge line raised to the same height as the proposed ridge line of the implemented PP/15/05177; existing bank chimney stack to be raised to suit proposed raised roof ridge; low-level louvre box on main villa roof moved to second floor level flat roof; additional Velux added to the side elevation of the villa pitched roof; access hatch on main Villa roof changed to a fixed flat rooflight; access hatch doors in bank gable end wall changed to single door to allow maintenance access from the bank building; and, additional demolition to the Bank turret to accommodate maintenance access to the turret roof gutter)


There were no speakers for this item.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to approve the matters reserved by condition 8 attached to planning permission ref. PP/23/06993, dated 18th January 2024.



[Each written report on the public part of the Agenda as detailed above:

(i)         was made available on the Council’s website from the date of the Agenda;

(ii)        incorporates a list of the background papers which (i) disclose any facts or matters on which that report, or any important part of it, is based; and (ii) have been relied upon to a material extent in preparing it. (Relevant documents which contain confidential or exempt information are not listed.); and

(iii)        may, with the consent of the Chairman and subject to specified reasons, be supported at the meeting by way of oral statement or further written report in the event of special circumstances arising after the despatch of the Agenda.]