Venue: Council Chamber, The Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street W8 7NX
Contact: Governance Services
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: No apologies were received.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Any member of the Council who has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting is reminded to disclose the interest to the meeting and to leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place.
Members are also reminded that if they have any other significant interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting, which they feel should be declared in the public interest, such interests should be declared to the meeting. In such circumstances Members should consider whether their continued participation, in the matter relating to the interest, would be reasonable in the circumstances, particularly if the interest may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests, or whether they should leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place.
Any Member of the Committee who does not have a disclosable pecuniary or other significant interest in a planning application to be considered at the meeting but who has been involved in organising support for or objections to such a planning application, submitted representations or expressed support for or opposition to the application (either publicly or in private with the applicant or objectors) should declare this at the meeting. At the point during the meeting when that planning application is to be considered, the Member should stop participating (but not necessarily leave the meeting) until the Committee has made its decision unless the Member believes that he or she is able to consider and that he or she would be seen to consider the application with an open mind, fairly and on its merits.
Minutes: Cllr Idris declared that although agenda items S72, S73 – PP/24/02868, LB/24/02869 (17-19 Pelham Place) and S76, S77 – PP/24/02419, CA/24/02420 (3 Glendower Place) were in her ward, she had not discussed these applications with any interested parties and had an open mind on these applications.
MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11 JUNE 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2024 were agreed to be an accurate record and were signed by Cllr Cyron.
REPORTS OF THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND PLACE PDF 139 KB Reports on the below applications are attached for Members of the Committee. Any person requiring more information about the background papers used in the preparation of any of these reports should telephone 020 7361 2004.
Additional documents: |
N73 - PP/23/04148 - Town Hall, Hornton Street, W8 7NX PDF 489 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Description of development: Part change of use of basement car park to provide 985 sqm of flexible work-space and ancillary welfare provision (Use Class E), 130 sqm training facility (Use Class E) and 2,675 sqm self-storage facility (Use Class B8); and ancillary uses including cycle parking with changing facilities and electrical car charging points.
Alice Culver drew attention to amendments in the addendum report. In particular, amendments to paragraph 2.3 which set out in full the relevant conditions that officers considered could meet the concerns raised by Members previously regarding the information submitted with the application, and to paragraph 3.1 seeking the views of Members had they been able to determine the application.
Cllrs Catherine Faulks, Preety Hudd and Lloyd North, the local ward councillors addressed the committee in objection to the application.
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY as proposed by Cllr Ali and seconded by Cllr Areti, that had the Members been able to determine the application they would have been minded to refuse it for the following reasons: – i. The applicant had failed to demonstrate with the submission of an appropriate fire strategy, that the proposal would ensure the highest standards of fire safety and did not demonstrate compliance with policy D12 of the London Plan and policy CD15 of the New Local Plan; ii.
The significant loss of existing car parking spaces
would lead to a displacement of vehicles onto roads nearby. This
would cause undue disturbance to residential properties nearby and
increase parking pressure within the area. The applicant had failed
to demonstrate that the management of the car park would be
adequate. The proposal would therefore fail to comply with policies
CL5 and CT1 of the 2019 Local Plan and policies CD8, T1 and T8 of
the 2024 New Local Plan. The Members also delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Place to defend the appeal and to submit conditions and reasons to the Planning Inspector (on a non-prejudical basis) as part of the appeal process.</AI6>
N70 - PP/24/01805 - 16 Pembroke Road, W8 6NT PDF 492 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
Description of development: Creation of laundry room/WC under existing hard standing area at the front of the main house; insertion of two roof lights to top floor; creation of bedroom and bathroom with lightwell under rear studio building in the garden with two roof lights on the garden side; alterations to the exterior of the garden studio to both elevations (garden and mews facing).
Alice Culver drew attention to a correction in the addendum report to paragraph 6.10 and the additional representation received.
Barry Munday (Edwardes Square, Scarsdale and Abingdon Association), and Elizabeth Merica and Christopher Fair addressed the committee in objection to the application.
Lucy Brooke and Simon Smith addressed the committee in support of the application.
RESOLVED BY A MAJORITY (with Cllr Ali dissenting and Cllr Zvedeniuk abstaining): to REFUSE the recommendation to grant planning permission.
The Committee voted on the reasons for refusal as proposed by Cllr Idris and seconded by Cllr Areti and RESOLVED BY A MAJORITY (with Cllr Ali dissenting and Cllr Zvedeniuk abstaining): that i) With the loss of the garage and the change in its use to provide living accommodation, the proposal would be prejudicial to the living conditions of those living nearby and of the area generally, and therefore, would fail to maintain an acceptable relationship with surrounding residential buildings (namely those along Pembroke Walk and Pembroke Villas), and therefore, the proposal would be contrary to policy CL5 of the 2019 Local Plan and policy CD8 of the 2024 New Local Plan, and ii) The loss of the garage for the parking of a car would lead to the displacement of vehicles onto the surrounding highway. The proposal would increase parking pressure within the area, and therefore, would fail to comply with policy CT1 of the 2019 Local Plan, policy T1 and T8 of the 2024 New Local Plan and the adopted Transport and Streets SPD.
S72 and S73 - PP/24/02868 and LB/24/02869 - 17 to 19 Pelham Place, SW7 2NQ PDF 413 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Description of development: Construction of single level basement (including swimming pool) beneath part of non-original rear extension and garden, replacement of existing rear conservatory, construction of mansard roof extension at No.17 & reconstruction of mansard at No.19, front and rear fenestration enhancements, internal alterations at all levels and a/c units to front vaults and within rear garden. (Amended description). Agenda Item S73 was for the grant of Listed Building Consent.
James Hughes drew attention to the corrections to the officer report in the addendum report which included amendments to paragraphs 6.16, 6.17, 8.2, and Conditions 3 (Trees and Landscaping) and 8 (Contaminated Land) in the officer report.
Rebecca Hawks-Reynolds and Ms Loesje Hubar addressed the committee in objection to the application.
Paul Watson addressed the committee in support of the application.
Agenda Item S72 RESOLVED BY A MAJORITY (with Cllr Idris dissenting): to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the Officer report, and i) the final Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) should be required to be approved by a future Planning Applications Committee and an Informative should be added to advise the applicant of this requirement. </AI7><AI8>
[The meeting was paused from 8.30 to 8.35pm for a break.]
Agenda Item S73 RESOLVED BY A MAJORITY (with Cllr Idris abstaining): to APPROVE the recommendation for Listed Building Consent with the conditions listed in Section 2 of the officer report.
S74 - PP/24/03021 - 5 Seymour Walk, SW10 9NE PDF 501 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Description of development: Creation of a basement with a swimming pool beneath buildings and 50% of garden area, alterations to lightwells, creation of three rooflights with associated internal plant and landscaping.
James Hughes drew attention to minor clarifications and amendments in the addendum report to the officer report including to Conditions 10 (Code of Construction Practice) and 15 (Method Statement for Boundary Wall).
Nigel Lax (Seymour Walk Residents Association) was not present and therefore Manuel Nogueira (architect) and Alfie Blagg (agent) did not speak for this item.
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the officer report.
S76 and S77 - PP/24/02419 and CA/24/02420 - Ground Floor, 3 Glendower Place, SW7 3DU PDF 453 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Description of development for PP/24/02419: Installation of new shopfront; replacement of 2 windows; new external signage with integrated lighting; and new canopy. Description of development for CA/24/02420: Installation of external signage with integrated lighting, and new canopy.
James Hughes drew attention to minor alterations in the addendum report to both of the officer reports.
There were no speakers for these items.
AGENDA ITEM S76 RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the officer report. AGENDA ITEM S77 RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant advertisement consent for the new signage and canopy with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the officer report.
S69 - PP/24/02250 - 7 Ralston Street, SW3 4DT PDF 449 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Description of development: Reconfiguration and amalgamation of basement and ground floor flats, rear extension at basement and ground floor levels, installation of internal lift with lead cladded overrun and external spiral staircase, re-pointing of masonry, replacement of top floor casement window and other associated works.
James Hughes drew attention to amendments to the officer report in the addendum report that included amended wording to Conditions 5 (Submission of Details) and 10 (Anti-vibration). Two additional objections had also been received.
There were no speakers for this item.
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the officer report.
N71 - PP/24/01140 - 140-142 Kensington Church Street, W8 4BN PDF 492 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Description of development: Installation of raised decking and stainless-steel fixed handrails to maintenance area of roof at rear second floor level.
Alice Culver drew attention to amendments to the officer report in the addendum report including an additional representation and an amendment to paragraph 8.2 (response to comment 5) relating to Condition 2 (Use of the rear roof of the second floor as terrace precluded – except for maintenance works only). She advised that due to Condition 2, enforcement action could be taken if the terrace was used for activities other than access for maintenance works only.
There were no speakers for this item.
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the officer report.
N72 - PP/24/00197 - 171-175 Portobello Road, W11 2DY PDF 483 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Description of development: Change of use to allow extension to public house (Sui Generis) (amended description).
Alice Culver drew attention to minor corrections to the officer report in the addendum report with an amendment to the reason for Condition 3 (Scheme of Sound Insulation) and to paragraphs 8.2 and 8.3.
There were no speakers for this item.
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: to APPROVE the recommendation to grant planning permission with the conditions listed in Section 9 of the officer report.
ANY OTHER ORAL OR WRITTEN ITEMS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS URGENT [Each written report on the public part of the Agenda as detailed above: (i) was made available on the Council’s website from the date of the Agenda; (ii) incorporates a list of the background papers which (i) disclose any facts or matters on which that report, or any important part of it, is based; and (ii) have been relied upon to a material extent in preparing it. (Relevant documents which contain confidential or exempt information are not listed.); and (iii) may, with the consent of the Chairman and subject to specified reasons, be supported at the meeting by way of oral statement or further written report in the event of special circumstances arising after the despatch of the Agenda.]