Agenda and decisions

Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday, 4th April, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street W8 7NX. View directions

Contact: Licensing Governance 

Note: Pravaas 

No. Item


Pravaas, 3 Glendower Place, LONDON (Brompton and Hans Ward) pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Decision of the Licensing Sub-Committee (“Committee”)

4 April 2024

Present at Hearing:-

Committee:                      Councillor Janet Evans (Chair)

                                Councillor Dori Schmetterling

                                Councillor Claire Simmons


Officers:                  David Williams (Licensing)

                                Lindsey Le Masurier (Legal)

                                Holly Weaver (Governance)

                                Emily Beard (Governance)

                                Nimca Muhudin (Governance)


Applicant:                        Faheem Vanoo

                                Fareed Kadiri


Pravaas, 3 Glendower Place, London, SW7 3DU (“the Premises”)

The Committee has considered an application for the variation of a Premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of the above Premises.

The Applicant was seeking to extend the existing ground floor licensed area by adding the basement floor for the purposes of the sale by retail of alcohol on the Premises and Late-Night Refreshment (indoors). For the avoidance of doubt, the existing unrestricted hours for the playing of recorded music (indoors) and the provision of Regulated Entertainment for private use (indoors) which apply to the ground floor of the Premises are not extended to the basement floor of the Premises.

The Committee has considered the committee papers and the submissions made by all of the parties, both orally and in writing.


In reaching its determination, the Committee has had regard to the relevant legislation, the Secretary of State’s Guidance (“Guidance”) and The Authority’s Statement of Licensing Policy (“SLP”).

In summary, the Committee has determined, after taking into account all of the individual circumstances of this case and the promotion of the four licensing objectives:-

1.    To grant permission to extend the licensing area to include the basement floor of the Premises.


2.    To grant permission to replace the existing premises plan.


3.    To remove existing condition 10 from the licence as it is of nil effect and the Applicant agreed to this.


4.    That the varied licence is subject to the following additional conditions proposed by the Applicant, namely:-


4.1 All staff responsible for selling alcohol shall receive training in the Licensing Act 2003 in terms of the licensing objectives, offences committed under the Act and conditions of the Premises Licence within 2 months of being employed. Thereafter, such staff shall receive refresher training in the Licensing Act 2003 at intervals of no more than 12 months.


4.2 Signed and dated records shall be kept of all staff training which shall be kept at the Premises detailing the name of each member of staff trained; the date training was provided; details of the person who provided the training and an acknowledgment that staff have been so trained.  Such records shall be kept available for inspection at the Premises at all times the Premises are open by the Police and authorised officers of the Licensing Authority for a period of at least one calendar year from the last date of entry.


4.3 The Premises shall operate a “challenge 25” age verification policy and staff shall be trained in respect of the policy.  Staff shall ask for proof of age from anyone they suspect of being less than 25 years of age. The only acceptable forms of  ...  view the full decision text for item 1.