Venue: KTH Committee Room 1
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies.
Members' Declarations of Interest Any member of the Council who has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting is reminded to disclose the interest to the meeting and to leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place. Members are also reminded that if they have any other significant interest in a matter to be considered at the meeting, which they feel should be declared in the public interest, such interests should be declared to the meeting. In such circumstances Page 1 Members should consider whether their continued participation, in the matter relating to the interest, would be reasonable in the circumstances, particularly if the interest may give rise to a perception of a conflict of interests, or whether they should leave the Chamber while any discussion or vote on the matter takes place. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 99 KB The minutes of the last meeting held on the 10th of May 2023 are submitted for confirmation.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 May 2023 were confirmed as a correct record.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Officers introduced the report and asked that the Shareholder Committee note the decisions approved at the Notting Dale Heat (NDH) Board meeting of the 9 February 2024 which included the NDH General Financial Procedures, NDH Management Accounts and NDH 2024/25 Draft Budget.
Prior to reaching its decision, the Shareholder Committee RESOLVED to exclude the press and public by virtue of paragraphs 3, Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 to consider and discuss information contained in the Part B appendix relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. The Shareholder Committee duly went into private session before returning to public session to take its decision. The Shareholder Committee RESOLVED, for the reasons set out in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3 and elsewhere within the report, that the recommendations at paragraphs 2.1 be adopted.
2.1 The Shareholder Committee is recommended to note the decisions taken by the Notting Dale Heat Board on the 9 February 2024, which are summarised in paragraph 2.3.
Reasons For Decision: Shareholder Agreement
2.2 On a quarterly basis Notting Dale Heat should provide the Council with information on the Management Accounts of the business, a reconciliation between expenditure and budget. This requirement is set out in section 11 ‘Monitoring and Provision of Information’ of the Shareholders Agreement.
Notting Dale Heat Board Decisions
2.3 The eighth Notting Dale Heat board meeting took place on the 9 February 2024, where the Board:
Any other Oral or Written Public items which the Chairman considers Urgent [Each written report on the public part of the Agenda as detailed above:
(i) was made available for public inspection from the date of the Agenda;
(ii) incorporates a list of the background papers which (i) disclose any facts or matters on which that report, or any important part of it, is based; and (ii) have been relied upon to a material extent in preparing it. (Relevant documents which contain confidential or exempt information are not listed.); and
(iii) may, with the consent of the Chairman and subject to specified reasons, be supported at the meeting by way of oral statement or further written report in the event of special circumstances arising after the despatch of the Agenda.]
Minutes: There were no items considered urgent.
Exclusion of the Press and Public If required, the Leadership Team will resolve to exclude the press and public from the meeting should any specific item of business so require on the grounds that discussions may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).
Some reports on the agenda may include confidential information which is exempt from publication. The Leadership Team may need to discuss this information in private session before decisions are taken afterwards, in public session.
Minutes: The Shareholder Committee excluded the press and public for deliberation on the exempt appendix to Agenda Item 4: Note and acceptance of decisions from Notting Dale Heat (NDH) Board Meeting (9 February 2024) KD1009269