Officers introduced the report and asked that
the Shareholder Committee note the decisions approved at the
Notting Dale Heat (NDH) Board meeting of the 9 February 2024 which
included the NDH General Financial Procedures, NDH Management
Accounts and NDH 2024/25 Draft Budget.
Prior to reaching
its decision, the Shareholder Committee RESOLVED to exclude the
press and public by virtue of paragraphs 3, Part 1, Schedule 12A of
the Local Government Act 1972 to consider and discuss information
contained in the Part B appendix relating to the financial or
business affairs of any particular person (including the authority
holding that information). The public interest in maintaining the
exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the
information. The Shareholder Committee duly went into private
session before returning to public session to take its
The Shareholder Committee RESOLVED, for the
reasons set out in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3 and elsewhere within the
report, that the recommendations at paragraphs 2.1 be adopted.
2.1 The Shareholder Committee is recommended
to note the decisions taken by the Notting Dale Heat Board on the 9
February 2024, which are summarised in paragraph 2.3.
Reasons For Decision: Shareholder
2.2 On a quarterly basis Notting Dale Heat
should provide the Council with information on the Management
Accounts of the business, a reconciliation between expenditure and
budget. This requirement is set out in section 11 ‘Monitoring
and Provision of Information’ of the Shareholders
Notting Dale Heat Board Decisions
2.3 The eighth Notting Dale Heat board meeting
took place on the 9 February 2024, where the Board:
- Noted, reviewed and
approved the Heat Network Programme Forward Plan. It summarises the
key Commercial Decision for the Council, with decisions to be
confirmed and adopted by Notting Dale Heat. Please see Appendix 1,
Heat Network Programme Forward Plan (Part A), noting that these
Commercialisation decisions have been rescheduled to enable full
consideration of both the Kensington Aldridge Academy heat loss and
Salix Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme grant award of up to
£4.3 million for Kensington Leisure Centre.
- Noted and reviewed the
draft Service Level Agreement. It describes the range of services
that Notting Dale Heat plans to buy from the Council. Please see
Appendices 2 and 3 (Part B) for the cover report and draft Service
Level Agreement. Please note that the draft Service Level Agreement
has since been updated and is almost ready for review and approval
by both the company Board and Shareholder Committee.
- Noted and reviewed the
Design, Build, Operations and Maintenance (DBOM) heat network
contract overview for information. This contract has been awarded
to Vital Energi to both design and build the primary network and
energy centres at Lancaster West Estate, and to operate and
maintain the entire heat network once built. Please see Appendix 4
(Part B).
- Noted and reviewed the
Finance Update. Please see sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 for further
information on the accounts and budget. Please see Appendices 5, 6,
7 and 8 (Part B) for an explanatory report and the actual Notting
Dale Heat General Financial Procedures; 2023/24 Management
Accounts; and the 2024/25 Budget.
- Noted and reviewed the
updated Strategic Risk and Opportunities Register, which forms part
of the Notting Dale Heat Business Plan. Please see Appendix 9,
Notting Dale Heat Business Plan (Part B), noting that this was from
February 2024, so is now six months out of date. The strategic and
operational risks are updated monthly.
The Shareholder
Committee received and noted the report.