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Basement Developments - Survey for Residents' Association

The development of basements under existing housing is a matter of considerable concern to many residents. The results of this questionnaire will provide vital information in addressing these issues.

Please answer the following questions. A separate questionnaire should be used for each property that is being commented on. You can also complete the questionnaire online via the following link:

Please note: any analysis carried out and published by the Council using this information will make no reference to individual properties or streets, and the questionnaire responses themselves will remain confidential.

Property details


Nature of basement extension

Q4 Was the basement extension...(please tick all that apply)
Q5 Was the basement more than one storey deep?
Q6 Has the development been completed?

Visual impact of the finished basement (if completed)

Q8 Has the basement had any particular impact on the appearance of the application property?
Q9 Has the basement had any particular impact on the appearance of the application garden?

Impact of the basement on neighbouring property

Q11 If you are a close neighbour, did you enter into a Party Wall Agreement to protect your property?
Q12 Were you happy with the outcomes of the Party Wall Agreement?

Impact of construction on living conditions (amenity)

Q13 Was the construction traffic well managed?
Q14 Was the construction noise acceptable to you?
Q15 Were any vibrations acceptable to you?
Q16 Was any dust from the site kept to acceptable limits?
Q17 Did you have issues with vermin?
Q18 Have you noticed any change to drainage during construction?

Impact of construction, or the finished basement, on drainage, flooding and damp

Q19 Have you noticed any change to drainage following completion of the basement?
Q20 Have you noticed any change to flooding during construction?
Q21 Have you noticed any change to flooding following completion of the basement?
Q22 Have you noticed any change to damp during construction?
Q23 Have you noticed any change to damp following completion of the basement?

Any other matters


Thank you for completing this survey, please click on submit to send your response.


Snap Survey Software