Articles on Early Years Hub (56)

  1. Help for low income families

    The government provides information on a number of different Benefits for families, including who they are for and how you can apply for them, including; Apply for free school meals Benefits calculators Care to Learn Carer's Credit Childcare Grant Claim if you were injured while serving…
  2. Information for Childminders

    Welcome to the Kensington and Chelsea Early Years Hub, a dedicated space for Childminders in Kensington and Chelsea. In this section, we aim to provide you with important updates, information and guidance, which hopefully you will find useful. Please feel free to explore the different…
  3. Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

    In order to manage allegations against professionals, every Local Authority appoints a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). The LADO works within Children’s Services and should be alerted to all cases in which it is alleged that a person who works with children has: behaved in…
  4. Maintained nurseries

    Welcome to the Kensington and Chelsea Early Years Hub, a dedicated space for Early Years Professionals working in maintained settings in Kensington and Chelsea. In this section, we aim to provide you with important updates, information and guidance, which hopefully you will find useful. Please…
  5. Our 2023-2026 Children and Young People’s Plan

    You can access the '2023-26 Children and Young People's Plan' and our 'One Year On Report' by clicking on the sections below: Our 2023-2026 Children and Young People's Plan (PDF) Children and Young People's Plan: One Year On Report (PDF)
  6. Our vision for Early Years in the Bi-Borough

    ALL children and families receive a positive welcome Parents have choice as to which setting they attend We can meet the needs of all children There is robust tracking and assessment in place in settings Staff in settings are well trained and confident supporting children with SEND…
  7. PHE physical development

    This is a FREE course To register and find out more, visit: Future Learn     What will you achieve? By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to... Identify the importance of movement skills to the overall health, wellbeing and development of young…
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