Articles on Youth Hub (189)
Start for Life: baby's first years
Please explore the following sections to access information on the highlighted topics:Start for Life: conception and first 2 years
The Westminster 'Start for Life' programme is based on the new government vision for the first 1,001 critical days on a child's life. This initiative aims to provide support and guidance to expectant and new parents to achieve the best outcomes for their child from…Start for Life: pregnancy, labour and birth
In this section you can access information on how to look after your health and on health services available during pregnancy:Stay with us: preventing suicide together
On the link below, you can access the Kensington and Chelsea dedicated suicide prevention resource. We want to raise awareness of suicide and its impact on our communities. Here, you will find practical information on the support available locally in Kensington and Chelsea, as well…Support for young carers
Are you under 18 and looking after someone in your family who is ill or disabled? This may be a parent, a brother or sister or a grandparent. Maybe you help by staying at home a lot to be there for them, helping them get…Supporting children to communicate
If you think your child needs some help with their speech, language and communication development, the Bi-Borough Communication Hub is here to help.The hub offers free advice, resources and support to young people of all ages and their families in both Kensington and Chelsea and Westminser, as…Symptoms and complications during pregnancy
In this section you can access information about common health symptoms and complications during pregnancy:Targeted Prevention Team (TPT)
A big welcome from the Targeted Prevention Team (TPT) The Targeted Prevention Team (TPT) is the Kensington and Chelsea specialist free service for young people who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). The team is experienced in, and dedicated to, providing Careers, Education,…