111 using your landline or mobile phone
111 using your landline or mobile phone
Services (576)
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Related information
- Care to Learn Scheme
- Careers guidance resources
- Case Studies (Wraparound Childcare)
- Centres for disabled children and young people
- Child and family safety
- Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA)
- Childcare Works: Wraparound and Early Years toolkits
- Children in employment and entertainment
- Choice of education
- Choosing a childcare provider
Result actions
- Primary: Tuesday and Thursday 3.30-5pm; Secondary: 4-5.30pm Monday and Wednesday
- Childcare on Non Domestic Premises
- Childminder
- Please visit the website for current course dates and times
- Please contact for current course dates
- 020 8962 5741 020 8962 5741