Chelsea Pre-Prep School & Nursery Childcare on Non Domestic Premises St. Andrews Parish Church, 43Park WalkLondonSW10 0AU 020 7352 4856 020 7352 4856
Chelsea Youth Hub: After School Programme Thursday 3pm-6pm (term time only) Blantyre StChelseaSW10 0EQ 07890 604 817 07890 604 817
Cheyne Child Development Service (Chelsea & Westminster Hospital) 369Fulham RoadLondonSW10 9NH 020 3315 6488 020 3315 6488
Children and Young People's Occupational Therapy (CYPOT) 369 Fulham RoadLondonSW10 9NH 020 8102 4008 / 0207 266 8606 020 8102 4008 / 0207 266 8606
Children's Community Nursing Service (CCNS) The Medical Centre 7EWoodfield RoadLondonW9 3XZ 020 7266 8777 020 7266 8777
Children's Cooking Workshop @ The Venture Centre Tuesdays, 4pm-5.30pm Venture Centre103a Wornington RoadLondonW10 5YB 020 8960 3234 020 8960 3234