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111 using your landline or mobile phone
Services in SEND Local Offer (309)
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Result actions
- Childcare on Non Domestic Premises
- Childminder
- 0800 014 7440 0800 014 7440
- Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
- Childcare on Domestic Premises
- Day nursery Monday to Friday from 8am-5pm
- Day nursery Monday to Friday from 8am-5pm
- See calendar for details
- Open Monday to Friday from 8:30am until 6pm
- Lionel House,370 Portobello RdLondonW10 5RP
- Wednesdays at 10amChelsea TheatreWorld's End PlaceLondonSW10 0DR
- 5 week course taking place on Tuesday 1.30-3pm from the 5th of November until the 3rd of December
- 5 week course starting Monday 9th September 1-2.30pm
- 5 week programme taking place on Tuesday 17th September until 15th October 1.30-3pm
- Wednesday 10-10.30am
- Friday 9.30-10am
- Tuesday and Thursday 10.30 - 11.00am
- Thursday 10.30 - 11.00am
- Friday 10.30-11am
- Monday 10.30 - 11.30am