Articles on SEND Local Offer (223)

  1. Short Breaks Pathways

    This is where you can access the Short Breaks Pathways which show the core, targeted and specialist offer for children and young people aged 0-18. You can view each pathway by selecting the tabs below.     
  2. Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) privacy notice

    As part of its role in relation to statutory assessment processes, and the ongoing monitoring of children and young people who have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), the Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND) Service is required to collect and process data about children,…
  3. Specialist resource bases in mainstream schools

    The aim of a specialist resource base is to provide targeted support which enables children to make progress, achieve their identified outcomes and continue to access the mainstream curriculum while being provided with a specialist intervention programme. This may include additional and different provision, such…
  4. Speech and language therapy for school-aged children and young people

    Children and young people with speech and language needs in their EHCP can access direct speech and language therapy at their school. Therapists work in partnership with schools, and provide staff with advice, training, and strategies to support the development of all school children’s speech,…
  5. Speech and language therapy in the early years

    Speech and language therapists run drop-in sessions at children’s centres for parents/carers to find out more about speech and language needs, the Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) service, and discuss any concerns they have with their child’s speech, language, and communication development. Further support provided…
  6. Speech and Language videos

    What we mean by Speech and Language development- PP1 video (9mins) •       What do Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) do? •       What do we mean by ‘speech and language development’? •       Why are communication skills important for children? Ages and Stages- PP2 video (11mins)• What speech…
  7. Strategies and Plans

    Listed below are links to some relevant local strategies and plans related to special educational needs and disabilities. This page will be regularly updated:
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