Articles on SEND Local Offer (226)
Dental Care
Children and young people with physical disabilities may have problems accessing the dentist. Similarly many children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities may need extra support and they may become overanxious at the thought of going to the dentist or may need…Disability Access Fund (DAF)
The Disability Access Fund (DAF) is an additional funding provided by the goverment to enable Early Years childcare providers to offer more places to young children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). The DAF is available to Early Years childcare settings and can be used, for…The Disabled Children's Service
What is the service? The Disabled Children’s service is made up of a range of teams who work together to provide a holistic service but where each has its own professional focus. These teams are: Disabled Children’s Team DCT - (social workers and social care workers)…Disagreements process and procedure
Disagreement resolution arrangements are put in place to resolve a wide-range of disagreements including: Performance of duties SEN provision Disagreements over health and social care provision; and Disagreements between health commissioners and local authorities Disagreement resolution concerns all children and young people with SEN and…Disagreements, mediation and the SEND Tribunal
The Children and Families Act 2014 requires all local authorities and health commissioner services to provide an independent mediation and dispute resolution service to help when parents/carers, young people, schools, health care services and the local authority cannot agree on how to meet a child…Does my child have SEND?
During your child’s early years, you may not know whether they have SEND or not. Many parents have concerns about their child’s development. While most of the time it is just a normal part of growing up, you should highlight any worries you have with…Download Local Offer leaflets or posters
Below you can downalod digital copies of our Local Offer leaflets and posters. Posters display a summary of what the Local Offer is and a link to the website. Leafelts provide more details information about what the Local Offer contains, who it is for, and…Download the Local Offer as an app to your mobile device
Why not make accessing the Local Offer easier by downloading a shortcut to your mobile device? Follow the step-by-step guides below to learn how you can do this for iPhone, iPad or Android devices.