Articles on SEND Local Offer (224)

  1. 15 hours government-funded childcare support for every 3 and 4-year-old

    All three and four year old children in England are entitled to 15 hours of government-funded childcare or early education for 38 weeks (up to 570 hours per year), that you can use flexibly with one or more providers. Some providers will allow you to ‘stretch’ the hours over 52 weeks,…
  2. About wraparound childcare

    The Childcare Choices website has been updated with information about the programme. This includes guidance on the right to request childcare, and information on the ability to use Tax-Free Childcare and Universal Credit Childcare to pay for wraparound if eligible. More information can also be found on the…
  3. Accessibility Strategy

    The Council is required under the Equality Act 2010 to have an accessibility strategy in which it promotes better access for disabled pupils at school. This duty predates the Children and Families Act which means that the activities to ensure effective and timely support for…
  4. Accessible transport options

    There are any accessible transport options for or children and young people that do not meet the criteria for travel assistance but still require assistance with their home to school travel. Please see below for more information on the accessible transport options, schemes and journey…
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