Articles on SEND Local Offer (223)

  1. Additional needs and SEND

    Family Hubs are fully inclusive. This means that all activities welcome children who may have additional needs, and reasonable adjustments will be made were necessary. All Family Hubs in the borough have sensory play facilities for children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).…
  2. Agency Support

    Once a Short Breaks assessment has been completed, it could be decided that agency support is needed. An agency from the following list will be contacted to support a CYP and their family. Agency support will be in one of the following ways: -        Support…
  3. All For Youth Magazine

    NEW edition out now! The All for Youth Magazine is a way for young people in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster to share their voice, thoughts and ideas with their peers. It is written by young people, for young people.  Click here to read the latest edition. Join…
  4. Annual Health Check

    Annual health checks are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability. An annual health check helps you stay well by talking about your health and finding any problems early, so you get the right care. You do not have…
  5. Approaches used in the Bi-borough to support with autism

    The Bi-borough uses a team made up of a wide range of professionals to support a personalised approach for meeting a child with autism’s individual support needs. Over the years, a number of teaching approaches have been proposed. These include interventions that target specific areas. These…
  6. Assessing Children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities

    Children with special educational needs (SEN) have needs or disabilities that affect their ability to learn. Special educational needs aren't always a lifelong problem. Some children only need support for a short time. If your child is learning more slowly than others doesn't mean they…
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