Articles on SEND Local Offer (223)
Supporting speech and language skills
This page summarises the help available for supporting speech and language skills.Supporting toileting
This page summarises the help available to support with toileting.Tax-Free Childcare
Tax-Free Childcare is for working families, including those self-employed. You can get up to £500 every 3 months (up to £2,000 a year) for each of your children to help with the costs of childcare. This goes up to £1,000 every 3 months if a…Tell us your experience of the EHCP process
Kensington and Chelsea Council is participating in a national survey to find out how well Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) support local children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities to achieve positive outcomes. The survey is called the Personal Outcomes Evaluation…Therapy, nursing and personal care in colleges
Since the Children and Families Act (2014) was introduced, many more young people with complex needs have chosen to go to college and to study for longer. To help their new learners, who have learning difficulties as well as extra health and care needs, colleges…Things to Do
Getting out and about, taking part in activities, using leisure services, attending clubs and visiting free open spaces can make a huge difference to your child, young person, family and friends. Use this page to find something that is available near you, including groups, playschemes,…Training to help support children and young people with autism
Training for Professionals: General training for professionals around special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), much of which is relevant to supporting autistic children and young people, can be found on our Training and Support page. Training for Parents:Transferring between stages of education if your child has an EHCP
What is phase transfer? When a child or young person moves from one stage of education to another, this is called a phase transfer. Phase transfers happens whenever a child or young person makes the following transitions in their educational journey: early years setting to school infant…Transition for Autism (and other neurodevelopmental disorders) Project (TAP)
The Transition for Autism (and other neurodevelopmental disorders) Project (TAP) ensures that children and young people known to have complex needs by mental health services (e.g. CAMHS, NT, EIT) are linked into transition to adulthood pathways earlier. This allows appropriate assessments and support to be…