Access Digi-base (Octavia Foundation) Every Tuesday 4.30-7.30pm 28Convent GardensLondonW11 1NH 07940 715 672 07940 715 672
The Acorn Nursery School Childcare on Non Domestic Premises 2Lansdowne CrescentLondonW11 2NH 020 7727 2122 020 7727 2122
Action Disability Kensington and Chelsea ADKC Centre, Whitstable HouseSilchester RoadLONDONW10 6SB 020 8960 8888 020 8960 8888
All Saints Catholic College (Kensington and Chelsea) St. Charles SquareLondonW10 6EL 020 8969 7111 020 8969 7111