Articles on Education, Health and Care Plans (43)

  1. Disagreements process and procedure

    Disagreement resolution arrangements are put in place to resolve a wide-range of disagreements including: Performance of duties SEN provision Disagreements over health and social care provision; and Disagreements between health commissioners and local authorities Disagreement resolution concerns all children and young people with SEN and…
  2. Disagreements, mediation and the SEND Tribunal

    The Children and Families Act 2014 requires all local authorities and health commissioner services to provide an independent mediation and dispute resolution service to help when parents/carers, young people, schools, health care services and the local authority cannot agree on how to meet a child…
  3. Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

    Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) are legal documents which describe how the special education, health or social care needs of a child or young person (aged 0-25) will be met. These documents are designed in partnership with families and young people so they reflect…
  4. Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment and Plan Timeline

    Once a decision has been made to carry out an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA), the entire process should last no more than 20 weeks. On the following sections you could see the stage-by-stage timeline for getting an Education,  Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for your…
  5. Independent (Private) Schools

    What are independent schools? Independent schools (also known as private schools) are educational providers not funded or maintained by the Government. Pupils at independent schools may not follow the national curriculum. You will usually be expected to pay fees for your child to attend an…
  6. My Personal Passport

    What is My Personal Passport? The Personal Passport has been designed by the local authority as an easy way for staff to find out important information about the children and young people they work with who have SEND. It includes: Things staff must know about…
  7. Peer Support

    The following section contains information and guidance on peer support. 
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