Bi-Borough Inclusion Service


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The Bi-borough Inclusion Service provides special education support for children and young people with a range of SEND needs. The service works with children and young people with SEND aged 0-25 in partnership with families, schools, health professionals, social care an other services.
The service consists of: 

  • Autism Advisory Team
  • SLCN Advisory Teachers
  • SEN OTs
  • Sensory Support Team (Qualified Teachers of the Deaf and Qualified Teachers of Children and Young People with Vision Impairment ) 

We also offer SENCO coaching and run the termly in-person SENCO Forums. 

Our training is delivered by the Bi-Borough Inclusion Service advisory teachers and therapists as well as external experts in many areas of SEND. 

The training offer is developed in response to a CPD needs audit and it includes evidence-based, whole school approaches supporting the inclusion of CYP with SEND.

We deliver our support packages in-person and remotely via online training, pre-recorded presentations, bite-size videos and learning management platform for modular learning. We are regularly reviewing the format of training to respond to the needs of schools and settings. 

The team is also available to offer bespoke support to schools / settings to support the implementation of training. 

We believe in a collaborative model of working based on schools' strengths and knowledge of CYP. We use coaching approaches and appreciative inquiry with elements of mentoring (when needed / wanted). 

We would like to get away from the deficit model and celebrate neurodiversity whilst empowering the teaching staff and building capacity in our Bi-borough schools and settings. 

All our courses are advertised on this Services2Schools website. You can access termly training newsletter here

Who to contact:

Anna Selwyn - Head of Bi-borough Inclusion Service - [email protected]

Kathryn Gilgallon - Team Leader for Sensory Support Service  - [email protected]

Michelle Tan - Team Leader for Autism Advisory Service (link for WCC schools)[email protected] 

Ziekelle Noakhes - Team Leader for Autism Advisory Service (link for RBKC schools)[email protected] 

Deirdre Murphy - Lead SEN OT - [email protected]

Carolyn Gelenter - SLCN Advisory Teacher - [email protected]

Saara Saarnio - Service Development Officer (finance and training enquiries) - [email protected]


Who to contact

Bi-borough Inclusion Service
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Where to go

Kensington Town Hall
Hornton Street

W8 7NX

View W8 7NX on a map


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