Grenfell Stay and Play @ Oxford Gardens Primary School


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The drop-in, is filled with toys, a soft play area, an area for painting, water and sand and a toy kitchen, is open 9.30 - 12.30 Monday to Thursday (term time only).

There is a daily ‘song-time’ session for nursery rhymes, music and dancing at 11.15 am followed by a fruit snack.

There is also a kitchenette available for parents carers to prepare lunch for visiting children and make cups of tea. 

For more informaiton, email Souad at [email protected] 

The Toy Library is available on Thursdays. Parents will be able to loan educational toys for one week free of charge for their children to use. 


Who to contact

Contact Name
Contact Position
Drop In Coordinator
020 7727 0854 020 7727 0854
[email protected]
Grenfell Stay and Play
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Where to go

Grenfell Stay and Play
Oxford Gardens Primary School
Oxford Gardens

W10 6NF

View W10 6NF on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Monday to Thursday 9.30am - 12.30pm (term time)


Referral Details

Although every effort is made to ensure information on the Family Information Service directory is kept up-to-date, we would advise contacting the service provider before attending to confirm session details remain unchanged.

Last Updated

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