Baby massage @ Cheyne Family Hub


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This 5 week course is for babies aged 6 weeks to 6 months. 

Baby massage provides a special time for you and your baby to share and helps you create a life-long bond with your baby.

The next course will take place on Tuesday 11am-12.30pm from the 14th of January until the 10th of February.

Please call to book.


Who to contact

020 7361 2202 020 7361 2202
[email protected]

Where to go

Cheyne Family Hub
10 Thorndike Close

SW10 0ST

View SW10 0ST on a map

Time / Date Details

When is it on
5 week course taking place on Tuesday 11am-12.30pm from the 14th of January - 10th of February


Age Ranges
0-6 months
Other notes

Although every effort is made to ensure information on the Family Information Service directory is kept up-to-date, we would advise contacting the service provider before attending to confirm session details remain unchanged.

Last Updated

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