Bi-Borough Autism Advisory Service


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The Specialist Service is for children and young people referred within educational settings in Westminster and the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea.

The team supports children and young people with an Autistic Spectrum condition (ASC) and deliver advice and support for schools and parents, enabling them to meet the needs of children with a diagnosis of autism.

The Advisory Service supports all children and young people with a diagnosis of autism who attend Westminster or RBKC state-maintained nursery, primary and secondary schools. Input is also provided for private, voluntary and independent nurseries. 

How they work

The team works in Early Years settings, primary schools and secondary schools in the respective boroughs in order to fully include children with ASC in mainstream settings; fulfil their learning potential, maintain well-being and enhance social communication skills. This includes a diagnosis of autistic spectrum condition (ASC) Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) or a diagnosis previously identified as Asperger’s Syndrome; Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDS NOS).

In schools input may consist of:

  • Observations - providing feedback and suggested strategies for use in the classroom
  • Modelling approaches with identified teaching and/or support staff
  • Triage sessions for teachers / LSAs to discuss issues
  • Transition support
  • Advice on differentiated resources
  • Crisis intervention advice
  • Advice on adapting the physical environment / audit of provision
  • Support for students to understand their diagnosis
  • Liaising with other agencies
  • Bespoke training for schools
  • When circumstances allow: training at the school, or Queen Elizabeth II Special School/other venues  

Support for parents:

  • Parental training - Parents’ Autism Awareness Courses (PAAC)– for under 5s over 5s and Secondary age; Puberty and Relationships; Support for Siblings
  • Parents’ Coffee Mornings
  • Parents of girls with autism support group
  • Liaison with Full of Life (RBKC) and Make it Happen (Westminster) and other agencies
  • Home visits may be made in occasional circumstances (where appropriate)

Click on the following link for EY ASD checklist.


Referrals can be made by:

  • Health professionals
  • Schools or Early Years’ settings
  • PVI settings
  • Parents / carers
  • Local authorities
  • Social Service / Early Help

Make referrals by emailing the Bi-borough Autism Team: [email protected]

A referral form must be completed with signed parent permission given

Training for practitioners and professionals

The service provides support for autistic CYP of all ages, their families and in nurseries and schools. Training is provided for education staff and there are specific courses for parents. We work closely with staff and other agencies to ensure that autistic CYP are fully included in their education.

A wide range of training which can be accessed via Services2Schools:, or on the Federation of Special Schools training website: Westminster Special School - TRAINING ( 

Who to contact

[email protected]

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