Affordable Housing Viability

As recommended by Planning Policy Statement 3:Housing, the Council has employed Consultants to undertake a Affordable Housing Viability Study (AHVS), which it did so further to the Strategic Housing Market Assessment.

Affordable Housing Viability Studies inform preparation of Local Development Frameworks (LDF). Guidance requires Councils to set a 'plan wide' affordable housing target, and to test this for 'deliverability' by means of the 'economic viability of land for housing within the area'.

The report is currently in draft format but it will inform the borough’s policies for affordable housing in the Core Strategy. Comments on the draft Study are sought up to 23 September 2009.

Draft Affordable Housing Viability Study report [PDF file] (warning: large file size 1.3Mb).

Getting involved

If you or your organisation wish comment on the draft Study or simply would like to know more about the process, let us know by emailing the Council's Planning Policy Team at [email protected] by 5pm on 23 September 2009.

Alternatively you can write to us at:

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Planning Policy Team
Room 331, Town Hall
Hornton Street

Last updated: 29 November 2019