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Property details

Case reference: PP/14/04163
Address: 7 Lincoln Street, LONDON, SW3 2TS
Ward: Royal Hospital
Polling district: 16
Listed Building Grade: 2
Conservation area: Chelsea

Applicant details

Applicant's name: Hutt
Applicant company name: The Oxford and London Building Consultancy
Contact address: 4 Morie Street London SW18 1SL

Proposal details

Application type: PP (Planning permission)
Proposed development Subterranean development underneath rear garden and garage with roof terrace with connecting passage underneath closet wing. Rebuilding of garage with roof terrace
Date received: 03 Jul 2014
Registration date:
(Statutory start date)
03 Jul 2014
Public consultation ends: 25 Jul 2014
Application status: Decided
Target date for decision: 28 Aug 2014

Decision details

This case has not yet been decided.

Decision: Grant Planning Permission/Consent
Decision date: 03 Sep 2014
Conditions and reasons:


The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Reason - As required by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, to avoid the accumulation of unexercised Planning Permissions.


Compliance with approved drawings The development shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on submitted plans
Reason - The details are material to the acceptability of the proposals, and to ensure accordance with the development plan.


Professional management of engineering works Development shall not be commenced until a Chartered Civil Engineer (MICE) or Chartered Structural Engineer (MI Struct.E)ÿhas been appointed to supervise the construction works throughout their duration and their appointment confirmed in writing to the Local Planning Authority. In the event that the appointed engineer ceases to perform that role for whatever reason before the construction works are completed those works will cease until a replacement chartered engineer of the afore-described qualification has been appointed to supervise their completion and their appointment confirmed in writing to the Local Planning Authority. At no time shall any construction work take place unless an engineer is at that time currently appointed and their appointment has been notified to this Authority in accordance with this condition.
Reason - The details are considered to be material to the acceptability of the proposal, and for safeguarding the amenity of neighbouring residential properties and to comply with the Subterranean Development SPD and policy CL2(g) (ii) of the Core Strategy.


Applicable BREEAM Standards The subterranean development hereby approved shall not be used or occupied until the entire dwelling has achieved a BREEAM for domestic refurbishment rating of Very Good and a Post-Construction Letter of Compliance for the dwelling has been issued certifying that a Very Good rating has been achieved.
Reason - To secure mitigation for the environmental impact of the subterranean development and to comply with policy CE1 of the Core Strategy.


Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) Development shall not be commenced until a revised Construction Traffic Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The statement should include: routeing of demolition, excavation and construction vehicles, including a response to existing or known projected major building works at other sites in the vicinity; access arrangements to the site; the estimated number of vehicles per day/week; details of any vehicle holding area; details of the vehicle call up procedure; estimates for the number and type of parking suspensions that will be required; details of any diversion or other disruption to the public highway during demolition, excavation and construction works; and work programme and/or timescale for each phase of the demolition, excavation and construction works. details of measures to protect pedestrians and other highway users from construction activities on the highway work programme and/or timescale for each phase of the demolition, excavation and construction works; A strategy for coordinating the connection of services on site with any programmed work to utilities upon adjacent land; and where works cannot be contained wholly within the site a plan should be submitted showing the site layout on the highway including extent of hoarding, position of nearby trees in the highway or adjacent gardens, pedestrian routes, parking bay suspensions and remaining road width for vehicle movements. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Traffic Management Plan.
Reason - To minimise the impact of construction works upon highway safety and nearby residents' enjoyment of their properties in accordance with the Subterranean Development SPD and policies CT1 and CL5 of the Core Strategy.


Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) Development shall not be commenced until such time as the lead contractor, or the site, is signed to the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) and its published Code of Considerate Practice, and the details of (i) the membership, (ii) contact details, (iii) working hours as stipulated under the Control of Pollution Act 1974, and (iv) Certificate of Compliance, are clearly displayed on the site so that they can be easily read by passing members of the public, and shall thereafter be maintained on display throughout the duration of the works forming the subject of this permission.
Reason - To mitigate the impact of construction work upon the levels of amenity that neighbouring occupiers should reasonably expect to enjoy, and to comply with the Subterranean Development SPD and policy CL5 of the Core Strategy.


Trees and landscaping - Details required No development shall commence until a scheme of landscaping, to include all existing trees and shrubs and proposed trees shrubs and paths and their surfacing materials, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority, and the development shall only be carried out and maintained in accordance with the details so approved. Two small or one medium tree shall be provided to replace the trees removed from the site in 2013.
Reason - To protect the appearance and amenity of the area and to accord with policies of the development plan, in particular policy CR6 of the Core Strategy. ÿ


Planting and replanting All tree and shrub planting forming part of the plans and details approved through this planning permission shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the first occupation of the development or the completion of the development whichever is the sooner. Any trees or shrubs which, within a period of five years from the first planting and seeding season referred to above, die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species.
Reason - To protect the appearance and amenity of the area and to accord with policies of the development plan, in particular policy CR6 of the Core Strategy.


Trees - lopping and topping For the duration of works the tree(s) existing on the site at the date of this permission shall be protected so as to prevent damage above and below ground, and no tree shall be lopped, topped, or felled, or root pruned, without the prior written approval of the local planning authority.
Reason - To ensure that the trees are adequately protected, to safeguard their contribution to theÿappearance and amenity of the area and accord with policies of the development plan, in particular policy CR6 of the Core Strategy.


Materials - To match existing All work and work of making good shall be finished to match the existing exterior of the building(s) in respect of materials, colour, texture, profile and, in the case of brickwork, facebond and pointing, and shall be so maintained.
Reason - To preserve or enhance the appearance of the building and/or the character of the area in accordance with policies of the development plan in particular policies CL1, and CL2 of the Core Strategy.


Roof Terrace/Lightwell - Black painted railings The railings to the roof terrace and rear lightwell shall be black painted metal with no ornamentation and so maintained.
Reason - To preserve or enhance the appearance of the building and/or the character of the area, in accordance with policies of the development plan in particular policies CL1, and CL2 of the Core Strategy.


Works to match - Sample panels required Sample panels of facing brickwork for the Blacklands Terrace wall showing the proposed colour, texture, facebond and pointing shall be provided on site, and approved in writing by the local planning authority before the relevant parts of the approved works are commenced, and the sample panels shall be retained on site until the work is completed in accordance with the panel(s) so approved.
Reason - In order to safeguard the special architectural or historic interest and heritage significance of the building and comply with policy CL4 of the Core Strategy.


Construction Method The excavation of the development hereby approved shall be carried out using hand tools and no power tools except where approved in advance in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Prior to the use of any power tools for the excavation, times and justifications for each instance of the use of power tools shall be provided to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority
Reason - To limit the disturbance arising from the construction of the approved development and the impact on the neighbouring business premises.



Enforcement of Conditions (PP)
Your attention is drawn to the Conditions of this Permission and to the Council's powers of enforcement, including the power to serve a Breach of Condition Notice under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended. All Conditions must be complied with. If you wish to seek to amend a Condition you should apply to do so under s.73 of the Act, explaining why you consider it is no longer necessary, or possible, to comply with a particular condition.


Care in the Conservation Area
This property is within a Conservation Area. All building works should, therefore, be completed with great care. External facing work and detailed treatment should be finished in a manner sympathetic to the existing building. If there is any doubt about the way in which work should be carried out, you should seek the advice of the Directorate of Planning and Borough Development.


Variations to Approved Drawings
Planning permission is hereby granted for the development as shown on the approved drawings. Any variation to the approved scheme may require further permission, and unauthorised variations may lay you open to planning enforcement action. You are advised to seek advice from the Directorate of Planning and Borough Development, before work commences, if you are thinking of introducing any variations to the approved development. Advice should urgently be sought if a problem occurs during approved works, but it is clearly preferable to seek advice at as early a stage as possible. Use the following link to see how advice can be obtained: Planning Advice Service


Party Wall Act 1996
You are reminded of your duties under the Party Wall Act 1996. This requires a building owner to notify and obtain formal agreement from adjoining property freeholders and leaseholders and anyone who has had an interest of 12 months or greater, where the building owner intends to carry out work which involves: Work involving an existing shared wall with another property; Building on the boundary with another property; Excavating near a neighbouring building, and that work falls within the scope of the Act Notice should be served on neighbours at least one month before commencement of building works. Section 12(1) of the Act provides for the developer to provide security for neighbours through insurance or a security bond. Procedures under this Act are separate from the need for planning permission and for building regulations approval. Further guidance is available at: Party Wall Act 1996


GTD/Pre-app/At submission Est.G/No amend
To assist applicants in finding solutions to problems arising in relation to their development proposals the Local Planning Authority has produced planning policies, and provided written guidance, all of which are available on the Council's website. A pre-application advice service is also offered. The scheme was submitted in accordance with advice provided through pre-application discussions.

Committee details

Decision by: This case is currently due to be decided by the Planning Applications Committee.
Date:02 Sep 2014
Report item number:S99

Appeal details

This case has not been appealed.

Planning Inspectorate reference number:
Appeal received:
Appeal type:
Appeal procedure:
Appeal start date:
Deadline for comments to be received by the Planning Inspectorate:
Appeal decision:
Appeal decision date:

Contact details

Planning case officer: Stephanie Malik
Planning team: South
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 7361 3012

Comment on this application

The consultation period for this application has ended.

Documents related to case PP/14/04163