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Property details

Case reference: TP/98/01077
Ward: Redcliffe
Polling district: 15
Listed Building Grade: N/A
Conservation area: N/A

Applicant details

Applicant's name: St. George West London Ltd.
Applicant company name: St. George West London Ltd.,
Contact address: St. George House, 76 Crown Road, Twickenham, TW1 3EU

Proposal details

Application type: TP (Pre Acolaid cases)
Proposed development Demolition of existing squash court building and erection of a residential block providing fourteen self-contained flats with ground floor level parking.
Date received: 01 Jun 1999
Registration date:
(Statutory start date)
05 Jun 1998
Application status: Decided
Target date for decision: 31 Jul 1998

Decision details

This case has not yet been decided.

Decision: Grant Planning Permission/Consent
Decision date: 28 Sep 1999
Conditions and reasons:


The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission. (C001)
Reason As required by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, to avoid the accumulation of unexercised Planning Permissions. (R001)


Full particulars of the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the development hereby permitted commences and the development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the details so approved: (a) the materials to be used on the external faces of the building(s); (b) the treatment of the open land within the site including hard and soft landscaping; (c) any proposed walls, fences, or railings; (d) the provision of access for people with disabilities; (e) all fenestration and lintels to a scale of 1:20; (f) entrance doors and gates to the car park details to a scale of 1:20; (g) terrace, balcony and pavement railing details to a scale of 1:20; (h) canopy details to a scale of 1:20; (i) the conservatory roof profile and details as shown on drawing No. 009B; (j) lift over run details to a scale of 1:20. (C011)
Reason - The particulars hereby reserved are considered to be material to the acceptability of the development, and the local planning authority wishes to ensure that the details of the development are satisfactory. (R011)


Full particulars of the following shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority before the development herby permitted commences, and the development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the details so approved: (a) a landscaping and tree and/or shrub planting scheme; (c) a hard landscaping scheme, including any paths and the surfacing materials to be used. (C016)
Reason - To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory, and to safeguard the amenity of the area. (R016)


The tree existing on Drayton Gardens, adjacent to the site at the date of this permission shall be protected against damage throughout the period of building and other operations pursuant to this permission. (C020)
Reason - To ensure that trees are adequately protected and to safeguard the amenity. (R020)


The whole of the car parking space shown on the drawings hereby approved shall be provided before the dwellings are occupied and the spaces shall be permanently retained for use in connection with the residential use of the dwellings and for no other purpose. (C026)
Reason - To prevent obstruction of the surrounding streets and safeguard the amenity of the area. (R026)


The garage accommodation hereby permitted shall be available at all times for car parking and shall not be adapted for living, commercial, or other purposes. (C028)
Reason - To protect the amenity of the area. (R028)


Before the dwellings hereby approved are occupied insulation to prevent the transmission of excessive airborne and impact noise shall be installed between each of the adjoining units in accordance with details to be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority, and the insulation shall be installed only in accordance with the details so approved and shall be so maintained. (C052)
Reason - To safeguard the amenity of neighbouring premises. (R052)


The premises forming the subject of this permission shall not be sub-divided or occupied or used otherwise than as single units. (C066)
Reason - To safeguard the amenity of the area. (R066)


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out exactly and only in accordance with the drawings and other particulars forming part of the permission and there shall be no variation therefrom without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority. (C068)
Reason - The details are considered to be material to the acceptability of the proposals, and for safeguarding the amenity of the area. (R068)


No water tank, lift motor room, or other roof structure, shall be erected which rises above the level of the roof hereby approved. (C077)
Reason - To safeguard the appearance of the building and area. (R077)


The railings to the roof terrace hereby permitted shall be painted black, and so maintained. (C082)
Reason - To safeguard the appearance of the building/street. (R082)


The roof of the car park area to the rear of the site adjacent to Milborne Grove shall be enclosed and the details of this enclosure shall be agreed in writing by the Executive Director, Planning and Conservation before any work commences on site.
Reason - To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory, and to safeguard the amenity of the area. (R016)


Notwithstanding the details of the front elevation shown on the drawings hereby approved the final details of the front elevation shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Executive Director, Planning and Conservation before any work commences on site.
Reason - The particulars hereby reserved are considered to be material to the acceptability of the development, and the local planning authority wishes to ensure that the details of the development are satisfactory. (R011)



Variations due to Building Regs.
Planning Permission is hereby granted for the development as shown on the approved drawings and subject to the Conditions. Any alteration to the approved scheme, resulting from the requirements of the Building Regulations or for any other reason, may require further permission. You are advised to consult the Directorate of Planning Services before commencing work. (I09)


Attention to Conditions
Your attention is drawn to the Conditions of this Permission and to the Council's powers of enforcement, including the power to serve a Breach of Condition Notice under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended. (I10)


Building Regs. - Separate Approval
Separate approval for the works hereby granted planning permission may be required by the Building Act 1984 and the Building Regulations 1991, and the grant of planning permission does not imply that such approval will be given. The Director of Building Control, Town Hall, Hornton Street, W8 7NX should be consulted before works commence. (I21)


Building Regs. (Roof Apparatus etc.)
Any proposals for external fire escapes, exit housings, roof walkways, or safety railings arising from the requirements of the Building Regulations may require further planning permission, and approval under those Regulations does not imply that planning permission will be granted. The Directorate of Planning Servicres will be pleased to advise on the implications of any changes. (I22)


Earth Moving
The Director of Highways and Traffic should be informed 7 days before any earth moving or abnormal use of highways adjoining the site commences so that arrangements for the routing of earth moving vehicles and cleansing the highway can be made. Contractors should be reminded that it is an offence to deposit mud on the public highway. If any spillage is not immediately cleared the Council will carry out the necessary cleansing and recharge the cost to the Contractor. (I27)


Refuse Storage
You are advised to consult the Director of Waste Management and Leisure, Council Offices, Pembroke Road, W8 6PW on the provision of facilities for the storage and disposal of refuse. There is a code of practice available and advice can also be given on certain aspects of industrial and commercial waste as well as household waste. The Council operates a trade refuse service on a rechargeable basis. (I29)


Demolition (Environmental Prot. Act)
Demolition and building works are subject to the Environmental Protection Act, 1990, and appropriate controls over methods, screening, and protection of site, noise, or hours of work, may be imposed by the Council. You are advised to consult the Director of Environmental Health, Council Offices, 37 Pembroke Road, W8 6PW at an early stage. (I30)


Crossovers - GRANT CONSENT
The Council hereby GRANTS CONSENT under Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 for the construction of a vehicular pavement crossover. The crossover will be constructed by the Council's Director of Highways and Traffic upon a receipt of a written request and payment of a deposit. The total cost of the work may include the cost of making good any existing redundant crossovers. An estimate of the cost can be obtained from the Director of Highways and Traffic, Council Offices, 37 Pembroke Road, W8 6PW (0171-373-6099). It should be noted that sunken crossovers will not normally be allowed. (I23)


Air Conditioning
If the development is to include any air conditioning unit incorporating a water cooling system, or any other plant or equipment involving large scale heating and distribution of water, you should consult the Director of Environmental Health to ensure adequate mechanical cleaning. (I37)


Temporary Sleeping Accommodation
This permission does not permit the use of the premises to provide temporary sleeping accommodation, including holiday lets, short lets, or timeshare, or for any purpose specified in Section 25 of the Greater London (General Powers) Act 1973, as amended by the Greater London (General Powers) Act 1983, or as timeshare accommodation as specified in Section 5 of the Greater London (General Powers) Act 1984. Use for such purposes would constitute a change of use requiring planning permission. It is the Council's policy to resist such changes of use, and you are advised that planning permission for such a change of use is unlikely to be granted. (I02)


Unique Informative
In respect of the details to be approved in Condition 2 the Council will wish to see that the materials in the lightwell and the flank walls facing Onslow Court are of a light reflective colour.


Unique Informative
In respect of the final design details to be approved in Condition 2 the Council would request that you investigate the widening of the gap between the development site and Onslow Court so as to reduce the loss of daylight to the windows in the lightwell of Onslow Court to a minimum.

Committee details

Decision by: This case is currently due to be decided by the Planning Applications Committee.
Date:02 Sep 1999
Report item number:6132

Appeal details

This case has not been appealed.

Planning Inspectorate reference number:
Appeal received:
Appeal type:
Appeal procedure:
Appeal start date:
Deadline for comments to be received by the Planning Inspectorate:
Appeal decision:
Appeal decision date:

Contact details

Planning case officer:
Planning team:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 7361 3012

Comment on this application

The consultation period for this application has ended.