Shaping our next budget - Consultation

The Council has a budget pressure of £45.9m over the next three years driven by projected increases in demand for services such as housing and social care, changing economic conditions, and a much greater reliance on income generated locally rather than government grant funding. The Council also faces uncertainties including the continuing impact of COVID-19, Brexit, and the future of local authority funding. The Medium Term Financial Strategy seeks to establish a sustainable financial framework that enables the Council to deliver its priorities now and in the future whilst also being prepared to meet unforeseen challenges such as COVID-19.

The Council Plan priorities were shaped by you and it is therefore important that Residents, businesses and other key stakeholders have a say in this draft Medium Term Financial Strategy and the saving and investment proposals within, and help to ensure the Council fulfils its obligations to set a balanced budget. Your Feedback will inform the preparation of the final budget that will be presented to Full Council, along with revised Council Tax levels on 3 March 2021.

More information, including information on each of the proposals, can be found here.

This survey gives you the opportunity to give your views on these proposals. The closing date for responses is  21 January 2021.

Your views

The Council has published its Medium Term Financial Strategy including Savings and Investment proposals, to enable it to set a balanced budget for 2021/22 which continues to deliver on the Council Plan priorities, you can read about them by clicking here.
  Overall, do you support the proposals put forward?

About you

  Are you a...? (Please tick all that apply)
  What sex are you?
  Which age group do you belong to?
  How do you describe your race or ethnic origin?
  Do you have any long-term illness, health problems or disability which limits your daily activities?

Using your personal information
The information you have provided to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea will be used to understand views on the medium term financial strategy. Your information will be used for the intended purpose only, we will not collect any additional information about you and we will not share your data with other council departments and/or external bodies. If we intend to use your information for any other purpose, we will normally ask you first. In some cases, the Council may use your information for another purpose, if it has a legal duty to do so, to provide a complete service to you, or if there is a risk of serious harm or threat to life. The Council will retain your information in accordance with our retention schedule and it will be held securely.

You can withdraw consent to using your personal data for the above purposes at any time. If you have any questions regarding your Data Protection rights, such as accessing your personal information, etc. or if you have a concern about the handling of your information, you can email us at [email protected].

Thank you for completing this survey,
please press 'Submit' to send us your response.

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