Kensington Memorial Park Improvements

The Council is considering what improvements it can make to Kensington Memorial Park as part of its Parks Strategy.  No plans have been drafted yet but there are concept ideas which we would like to get people's views on.  These ideas include changes to buildings and sports pitches, and exit points in the park.  One concepts is to replace the existing football pitch with an artificial pitch and flood lighting to allow for greater use of the pitch.  The memorial garden, playground, and the wet play area will not be included in any changes; they will remain as they are now.  As a starting point, the Council is asking park users, local residents and other stakeholders what they think about the park as it is now, and about their views about some ideas for change.  

To help us gauge views about the park please take 5 minutes to complete the survey.  

  How frequently do you visit Kensington Memorial Park?
  What do you do in the park? Please tick all that apply.
  At present changing facilities, public toilets and the cafe/kiosk as well as maintenance buildings are separate buildings and are in need of upgrade.  Please tick the statement below which best reflects your views.  
  Thinking about roughly where the buildings are located i.e. towards the middle of the park, indicate your view about the locations...
Public toilets

Changing facilities



The quality of the surface of the football pitch in the park is often poor as the grass is worn and it is prone to being muddy in wet weather making it less accessible and less attractive as a sports playing space.  One way to overcome these issues is to install an artificial turf pitch and flood lighting.  

  Which of the following represents your view most accurately:
An artificial turf pitch replacing one of the grass pitches will be a good asset for the park.

I would prefer that the park maintains all of its natural grass pitches.

I am concerned that an artificial turf pitch will limit the range of activities that part of the park can be used for e.g. picnics and informal play

I am concerned about the impact an artificial turf pitch will have on local residents overlooking the park.

I am concerned about the impact perimeter fencing around an artificial pitch will have on park users and on local residents overlooking the park.

I am concerned about the impact of flood lighting on local residents overlooking the park.

An artificial turf pitch is not as good for the environment as a grass pitch.
  If an artificial pitch with floodlighting is installed, what do you think the operating hours should be?  Tick all that apply.
Monday - Friday


  Thinking about access arrangements if an artificial turf pitch is introduced in the park, what do you think the best evening access/early morning access arrangements are to the pitch when the rest of the park is closed?
  Taking everything into account, are you in favour of the proposal to replace an existing grass pitch with an artificial turf pitch in Kensington Memorial Park?

About you

  Are you...
  Which age group do you belong to?
  How do you identify yourself?
  Do you have any long term illness, health problems, or disability which limits your daily activities?
  Are you now, or have you previously been, a member of any of the following?
Local sports group e.g. football team

Local community group

Residents' Association

School group that uses the park

How we use your information:

The personal information you provide will be handled by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.  The information will be used to understand the views of park users and others on improvements for Kensington Memorial Park. Where you have supplied your postcode, this may be used to map responses and to better understand the views of people from different locations near to the park. Your information will not be shared with any other department or organisation.

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