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Scrutiny Programme                

Scrutiny is a Councillor led function within the Council. Its purpose is to hold decision-makers to account on behalf of residents and to help develop policies and initiatives that make the borough a better place to live and work. You can read more information on how scrutiny works here.

Councillors are considering what to include in the scrutiny work programme for the next 12 months. A good scrutiny work programme will include the most strategic issues facing the Council, and also those of community concern.  Councillors want to hear the views of residents and local businesses: what topics should be included in the work programme?

If you have suggestions as to what you would like to see Scrutiny focus on, please complete this short survey by 31 July 2020.

Scrutiny function

Q1 Before today, had you heard of the Council's Scrutiny function?
Q2 Have you ever attended a Scrutiny meeting at the Council before?

Scrutiny programme


Keeping you informed

Q6 If you would like the Council to keep you up to date with information on Scrutiny activity please select the box below and provide your contact details.

Would you like to be kept up to date on Scrutiny activity?
Q7 Your contact details (please only complete if you would like to be contacted further)

About you

Q8 Are you a...(please tick all that apply)
Q10 What sex are you?
Q11 Which age group do you belong to?
Q12 How do you describe your ethnic origin?
Q13 Do you have any long-term illness, health problems or disability which limits your daily activities?
Q14 If yes, what is the nature of your impairment? (Please tick all that apply)

Using your personal information
The information you have provided to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea's Scrutiny Team will only be used to understand respondents' views on Scrutiny. Where you have given us permission to contact you further, your contact details  will only be used to contact you in relation to the Council's Scrutiny function. Your information will only be used for the intended purpose, we will not collect any additional information about yourself, we will not share your data with other Council Departments and or external bodies. If we intend to use your information for any other purpose, we will normally ask you first. In some cases, the Council may use your information for another purpose if it has a legal duty to do so, to provide a complete service to you, or if there is a risk of serious harm or threat to life. The Council will retain your information in accordance with our retention schedule and it will be held securely.

If you have any questions regarding your Data Protection rights, such as accessing your personal information, etc. or if you have a concern over the handling of your information. You can email [email protected]

Thank you for completing this survey,
please click 'Submit' to send us your response

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