Studies for 'Cymon and Iphigenia': Sleeping Female Figures

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Drawing details

Title: Studies for 'Cymon and Iphigenia': Sleeping Female Figures
Date: c.1883
Media: Black and white chalk on brown paper
Dimensions: 30.0 x 23.3 cm
Location: Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Picture credit: Photograph: Jenny Carter for AGNSW
Reference number: 408.1985


Here, Leighton has almost decided on the pose of these two figures, but is still making minor adjustments for each of the drawings. The lower study is the most boldly drawn, and is also most like the pose used in the finished work.


Upper third of sheet: full-length study for the two sleeping female figures to the right of the painting 'Cymon and Iphigenia' (c.1884, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney). Unlike the finished painting, the right arm of the figure furthest from the viewer, hangs down, below her body, as if the figures are lying on a raised platform. The left elbow of the figure, closest to the viewer, rests on the hip of the other figure. Centre of sheet: full-length study for the same two sleeping female figures. Unlike the finished painting, the hands of the figure, furthest from the viewer, rest on top of one another just above her head. Lower third of sheet: full-length study for the same two sleeping female figures. This drawing is in more detail and made with harder lines. The pose is very similar to the finished work, although the artist views the pair from a different angle, closer to the head of the furthest figure. 


Purchased through Peter Nahum, London, by the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney in 1985 (lot 28) 


  • Free, Renee, 'Fin de SiFcle: Posters Prints Drawings from the Collection of the Art Gallery of New South Wales', Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1994
  • Free, Renee, 'Five Years On: A Selection of Acquisitions 1981-1986', Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1986, catalogue number 200
  • Free, Renee and Peel, Rosemary, 'Dreams and Realities: Victorian Works on Paper', Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1993, illustrated p.2, p.9
  • Maloon, Terence and Raissis, Peter, 'Michelangelo to Matisse: Drawing the Figure 

Exhibition history

  • 1985, 'Second Exhibition: Master Drawings of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries', Peter Nahum at the Leicester Galleries, London, catalogue number 28
  • 26 September 1986 to 23 November 1986, 'Five Years On: A Selection of Acquisitions 1981-1986', Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, catalogue number 200
  • 07 August 1993 to 24 October 1993, 'Dreams and Realities: Victorian Works on Paper', Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
  • 15 January 1994 to 13 March 1994, 'Fin de SiFcle: Posters Prints

Related Paintings/Projects

'Cymon and Iphigenia' 'Cymon and Iphigenia'
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