Study for 'Cymon and Iphigenia': Iphigenia

Drawing details

Title: Study for 'Cymon and Iphigenia': Iphigenia
Date: c.1883
Media: Black and white chalk on brown paper
Dimensions: 21.8 x 31.0 cm
Location: Leighton House Museum
Picture credit: Leighton House Museum, The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Reference number: LHO/D/0644
Inscriptions: Stamped lower right "LLC". Inscribed lower centre "Cymon and Iphigenia" in pencil. Inscribed on reverse, centre "N89" encircled, in pencil. Inscribed on reverse, lower centre "Cymon and Iphigenia" in pencil. Inscribed on reverse, upper centre "ú3.30"




Bequeathed by the artist to his sisters, Mrs. Augusta Matthews (n+e Augusta Neunburg Leighton, 1835-1919) and Mrs. Alexandra Orr (n+e Alexandra Leighton, 1828-1903); purchased by the Fine Art Society in 1896; collection of Leighton House Museum 


  • Ormond, Leon+e and Richard, 'Lord Leighton', Yale University Press, London, 1975, p.168 (listed under catalogue number 313) 

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