Useful Safeguarding Contacts for Professionals

The drop down lists below provide useful safeguarding contact information for the areas of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster. Westminster and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea share some services and names and positions may be identical across both.  

Useful Safeguarding Contacts for Professionals

Kensington and Chelsea

To report a concern about a child or young person

Kensington and Chelsea Duty Line

  • Telephone: 020 7361 3013 
  • Out of hours: 020 7361 3013

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Karen Duncan, Tri-borough MASH Business Support Officer

Dhruva Vashee, Tri-borough MASH Business Support Officer

Menna Emmanuel, Specialist Community Public Health Nurse:

Debra Cox, Specialist Health Practitioner in MASH:

For case consultations, advice, guidance from the Safeguarding Teams in Children’s Social Care

For case consultations or follow-up enquiries please contact the Duty Child Protection Adviser in the first instance telephone 020 7361 3013.

Sharon Lawrence, Family Support and Child Protection Adviser 

Anna Richards, Family Support and Child Protection Adviser 

Sarah Mangold, Interim Service Manager for Safeguarding, Bi-Borough

Safeguarding, Review and Quality Assurance 

Angela Flahive, Head of Safeguarding, Review and Quality Assurance 

Local Authority Designated Officer
(LADO / Management of Allegations)

Kensington and Chelsea
Please contact duty LADO for consultations and referrals

Aqualma Daniel, Safer Organisations Manager & Local Authority Designated Officer  

Sally Smith, LADO Manager

  • Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea / City of Westminster

  • Tel: 07967 764 794

  • Email: [email protected] 

Safeguarding Lead for Schools and Education

Elaine Campbell, Bi-borough  Safeguarding Lead for Schools and Education 

Child Exploitation Lead 

Sarah Stalker, Child Exploitation Lead, (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

Prevent (Radicalism and Extremism)

Contact the LBHF/ RBKC Prevent team on:

Education and Attendance

Wendy Anthony, Bi-borough Head of Admissions and Access to Education

ICB Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children

Emelia Bulley

ICB Named GP for safeguarding children

Dr Neera Dholakia

ICB Designated Nurse, Looked After Children 

Corina Christos 

Child Death Review Team

If you are a professional seeking to report a child death you should do so via the ECDOP online portal. You do not need an account. Please complete with the information you have available and do not worry if there are questions you cannot answer – fill in what you can. 

North West London Child Death Review Team Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0203 350 4044 

Interim CDR Manager Tanya Nanuwan
Email: [email protected]

CDR Team webpage: Child Death Reviews: North West London ICS (

School Nursing Teams

Central and North West London Foundation Trust (CNWL)

CNWL Named Nurse for safeguarding children

Central and North West London Foundation Trust (CNWL)

Susan Bray, Named Professional for Safeguarding Children. Currently on secondment

Joanna Payne

Abigail Skeel. CNWL Named Professional for Safeguarding Children, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Health Visiting Teams

Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH)

Named Nurse for safeguarding children

Catherine Hunter, Named Nurse for Safeguarding

Mental Health Trusts

Central and North West London Foundation Trust (CNWL)

Acute Hospital

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Safeguarding Team Email: [email protected]

Named Nurse: Faye Mitchison

  • Email: [email protected]

  • Telephone: 0203 315 2751

  • Mobile: 07388 998 373

  • Tel: 020 3315 1000 Bleep 4241

Named Doctor: Paul Hargreaves

Maternity Lead 

Imperial Hospital NHS Healthcare Trust

Head of Safeguarding/Consultant Nurse for Safeguarding: Nicci Wotton

Named Doctor: Kati Malbon

Named Midwife Safeguarding: Rebecca Heorton

LSCP Business Managers 

Emma Biskupski


 Safeguarding, Review and Quality Assurance 

Angela Flahive, Head of Safeguarding, Review and Quality Assurance 

Local Authority Designated Officer
(LADO / Management of Allegations)

Please contact duty LADO for consultations and referrals 

Aqualma Daniel

  • Safer Organisations Manager & Local Authority Designated Officer  

  • Tel : 07870 481 712

  • Email [email protected]

Sally Smith LADO Manager

  • Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea / City of Westminster

  • Tel: 07967 764 794

  • Email: [email protected] 

Safeguarding Lead for Schools and Education

Elaine Campbell, Bi-Borough  Safeguarding Lead for Schools and Education 

Child Exploitation Lead  (Children’s Services)

Emily Harcombe, Child Protection Adviser

Prevent (Radicalism and Extremism)

Kiran Malik

  • Prevent Programme Manager, Westminster enquiries only

  • Telephone: 020 7641 5071

  • Email: [email protected]

Education and Attendance

Wendy Anthony

  • Bi-Borough Head of Admissions and Access to Education

  • Telephone: 020 7745 6440

  • Email: [email protected]

ICB Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children

Emelia Bulley 

ICB Named GP for safeguarding children

Dr Saral Anand

ICB Designated Nurse, Looked After Children 

Corina Christos 

Child Death Review Team

If you are a professional seeking to report a child death you should do so via the ECDOP online portal.

North West London Child Death Review queries: [email protected]
Phone: 0203 350 4044 

Interim CDR Manager Tanya Nanuwan

Specialist Nurse (for Hammersmith and Fulham Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster): Duduzile Hlatshwayo,  0782 454 8633

Interim CDR Specialist Nurse: Audrey Warren

School Nursing Teams

Central and North West London Foundation Trust (CNWL)

CNWL Named Nurse for safeguarding children

Central and North West London Foundation Trust

Susan Bray, CNWL Named Professional for Safeguarding Children. Currently on secondment

Joanna Payne, CNWL Named Professional for Safeguarding Children. 

Abigail Skeel, CNWL Named Professional for Safeguarding Children, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Health Visiting Teams

Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH)

Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH)

CLCH Named Nurse for safeguarding children

Catherine Hunter, Named Nurse for Safeguarding

Mental Health Trusts

Central and North West London Foundation Trust (CNWL)

Susan Bray, CNWL Named Professional for Safeguarding Children. Currently on secondment

Joanna Payne, CNWL Named Professional for Safeguarding Children. Email: [email protected]

Abigail Skeel, CNWL Named Professional for Safeguarding Children, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. Email: [email protected] 

Acute Hospital Trusts

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Named Nurse: Faye Mitchison

  • Email: [email protected]

  • Telephone: 0203 315 2751

  • Mobile: 07388 998 373

  • Telephone: 020 3315 1000 Bleep 4241

Named Doctor: Paul Hargreaves

Maternity Lead 

Named Midwife Safeguarding Children: Wendy Allen

Imperial College Hospital NHS Healthcare Trust including St Mary's Hospital

Head of Safeguarding/Consultant Nurse for Safeguarding: Nicci Wotton

Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children: Fiona Menzies

Named Doctor: Kati Malbon

Named Midwife Safeguarding: Rebecca Heorton

LSCP Business Manager

Emma Biskupski


In an emergency call the police on 999.