Training and resources

The LSCP Multi-agency Safeguarding Children Training Programme

This training programme is open only to practitioners who work in either Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea, or Westminster. If you do not work in these three areas please contact your local safeguarding children partnership for local training opportunities’

Please note the new LSCP Training terms and conditions before booking any workshops.

LSCP Training Terms and Conditions from April 2022

Cost of training

The training will continue to remain free of charge for all statutory agencies, voluntary organisations, and registered childminders.

For all private enterprises and profit making organisations there will be a fee for the training. e.g. private GPs, nurseries, education facilities and hospitals. The fee will be £80 for a full day training and £50 for a half day. Your organisation will be invoiced following attendance at the training session.


The primary method of communication regarding LSCP training will be by email.

Therefore, it is essential that each individual user ensures that all details on the Eventbrite booking are kept up to date. This includes name, job title, agency, email address, telephone number, manager’s name and email address and 

The LSCP will not be responsible for miscommunication as a result of a user’s information not being up to date.

Lateness Policy and leaving a workshop early

For online workshops: All candidates are requested to join the online training session 10 minutes prior to the course commencing as the training will begin promptly at the time stated. This will allow for any technical issues to be resolved.

If there are difficulties accessing the online workshops (either Microsoft Teams or Zoom) please call Darren Williams, LSCP Training Programme Co-ordinator on 07739315081 or email [email protected]. If problems cannot be resolved within 30 minutes of the start of the session, no fees or late cancellation fees will be incurred.

One-day workshops

In order to minimise disruption to the training, the LSCP Learning and Development Subgroup have agreed that candidates who are more than 30 minutes late to a one-day course without making contact with the Training Tam will not be allowed to join the workshop and will be charged the full fee (£100) for non-attendance.

Half day and shorter workshops

In order to minimise disruption to the training, the LSCP Learning and Development Subgroup have agreed that candidates who are more than 15 minutes late for a half-day course or shorter workshop without making contact with the venue or training team will not be allowed admittance and will be charged the full fee (£60) for nonattendance.

Leaving a workshop early

The LSCP Learning and Development Subgroup have agreed that candidates may not leave the workshop early (unless there are exceptional reasons given). Should a candidate need to leave the workshop before the end of the session, they should e-mail [email protected] prior to the workshop. We will require your line management’s agreement for you to leave early. However, leaving early may also incur non-attendance charges, and you may not be eligible to receive a certificate.

Wherever possible, please email [email protected] to notify us or re-book an alternative session.

If during the session, you need to leave early, you must gain permission from the course leaders. Please be aware that this may still lead to you / your team incurring non-attendance charges, and you may not be eligible to receive a certificate.


To cancel your place on a course, you must follow one of the processes outlined below. Removing the calendar invite from your diary without completing one of the steps below does not constitute a valid cancellation and will result in a charge being applied.

Cancellations with five or more working days notice

Cancellations can be completed online by logging in to Eventbrite and cancelling your place on the workshop.

Cancellations with less than 5 working days notice

Should there be any unforeseen circumstances that require you to cancel your training with less than 5 working days’ notice, you must email [email protected] or telephone Darren Williams, LSCP Training Programme Co-ordinator on 07739315081 as soon as possible, stating the reason you are unable to attend

Individual circumstances will be taken into account when making a decision about applying cancellation fees. However, if no contact is made through the above methods then the organisation will be subject to the full cancellation fee for that session.

It is essential that contact is made with the LSCP training team before the session as the LSCP would always like to ensure that training places are maximised and the LSCP may be able to offer the place to other candidates.

Late cancellation (within less than 5 working days) will normally incur an administrative charge of £100 for a full day or £60 for a half day or less, which will be invoiced to your organisation.

The LSCP Learning and Development Subgroup state that cancellations can only be made for reasons relating to service users or illness. Line managers agree to staff attending the course and must therefore make appropriate arrangements for staffing cover in light of this.

A final decision will be made by the LSCP manager in relation to whether charges will be applied.

Any cancellation charges remaining unpaid by any organisation later than one month following the issuing of the invoice may mean that no further applications from that organisation will be accepted until payment is received.

Staff / Applicant Substitutions: If a substitution is made and a different colleague attends the training, no cancellation charges will be applied.

If you need to provide a substitute to attend in your place, you must first email e-mail [email protected] or telephone call Darren Williams, LSCP Training Programme Co-ordinator on 07739315081 for approval by the LSCP Multi Agency Training Team.

If you have any questions concerning these terms and conditions, please contact:

Darren Williams LSCP Training Co-ordinator: [email protected] telephone: 07739315081
Laura Beard, LSCP Multi-agency Trainer: [email protected] telephone: 07929 850 584. (Maternity Leave until March 2023)

If you have any questions about safeguarding training please contact our LSCP training programme coordinator, Darren Williams, at [email protected] or telephone:, 07739 315 081.

Training workshop and courses on offer

E-learning workshops

Visit our e-learning webpage for other free online safeguarding workshops.

Main LSCP Training workshops

  • Introduction to Safeguarding Children (level 1)

    Book the Introduction to Safeguarding Children on Eventbrite

    Please note this workshop will cost £50 to private and profit making services. It is free to statutory and voluntary sector agencies.

    This workshop provides an introduction to the concept of safeguarding children including an exploration of why safeguarding is important, the laws and legislation underpinning our responsibilities, what to look out for and what to do if something is concerning.

    The workshop is ideal for those practitioners who are new to working with children and perhaps do not have a great deal of direct contact with children on a daily basis.

    The workshop is an introduction, therefore is not suitable for those who are in more direct or senior roles unless they have no previous safeguarding experience.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, delegates will:

    • have an opportunity to address and manage personal attitudes and beliefs
    • gain a basic understanding of the legislative framework
    • gain a basic understanding of how to raise concerns appropriately within each agency
    • have an understanding of possible signs and symptoms of abuse and harm
    • know whom to contact about concerns and for making referrals
  • Multi-Agency Safeguarding and Child Protection Workshop (level 3) (full day)

    Book the Multi-agency Safeguarding and Child Protection workshop full day on Eventbrite

    Please note this workshop will cost £80 to private and profit making services. It is free to statutory and voluntary sector agencies.

    The workshop includes a range of scenarios designed to explore the various risks children and young people face in our communities. There is more in depth knowledge around legislation and the child protection process is explored. The thresholds of intervention (early help, child in need and child protection) are examined and the referral process is outlined.

    This workshop is suitable for those practitioners who work directly with children or parents. Those who attend this workshop should have a basic understanding of safeguarding children and what to look out for but they do not have to have attended with the LSCP.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, delegates will:

    • have up to date information about safeguarding children including how to make a referral and an understanding of the thresholds in Child in Need and Child Protection.
    • have knowledge of the lessons from local and national serious case reviews
    • know what is required as members of Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups
    • have explored the barriers to communicating and sharing information both within and outside your organisations and considered what you can personally do to improve the situation
  • Safer Recruitment Workshop

    Book the Safer Recruitment Workshop (in person) via Eventbrite.

    Instructions for how to join using Microsoft Teams will be sent to delegates who secure a place.

    This full-day workshop (delivered in x4 90 min sessions) is accredited by the Lucy Faithfull foundation and is suitable for managers and HR staff, including those who are involved in recruiting. The workshop provides a comprehensive approach to recruiting which aims to reduce the risk of unsuitable people gaining access to children through employment or voluntary work.  (please note this workshop is aimed at staff working in education sector but the general principles are applicable to any section of the children's workforce).

    The workshop highlights a model of sex-offender’s behaviour which is then applied to the recruitment process to show how organisations can work towards preventing offenders from working in their setting. This workshop also explores how organisations can create an ongoing culture of vigilance and support staff to ensure this is organisation-wide.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, delegates will:

    • be aware of the:
      • need for safer recruitment
      • means by which unsuitable people can gain access to children and vulnerable people
      • means by which safer recruitment can be achieved
      • processes for handling allegations against staff in order that staff have the confidence to identify those who may pose a risk to children and vulnerable people, and so that staff will know what to do if/when they have to deal with these issues.
  • Introduction to the LADO process 

    Book a place at the Meet the LADO Workshop via Eventbrite

    Instructions for how to join using Microsoft Teams will be sent to delegates who secure a place.

    This 2-hour workshop, delivered by the Local Authority Designated Officers (for LBHF, RBKC and WCC) provides an introduction to the process by which allegations against professionals and volunteers are managed.

    Delegates will be guided through when they should consult and/or refer to the LADO services, and what the next steps in the process are. Delegates will also made aware of what their roles and responsibilities are.

    The workshop It is suitable for managers, deputy managers, governors and trustees.

    This workshop touches on some areas from the Safer Recruitment workshop but it is not a replacement for that workshop.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, delegates will:

    • understand the legal framework for safeguarding in a professional context and the role of the LADO
    • explore how allegations against professionals are managed
    • understand how to make a referral to the LADO and what information needs to be shared and considered.
  • Safeguarding Children: Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control 

    Book a place on the Safeguarding Children: Domestic Abuse & Coercive Control Workshop via Eventbrite

    This whole day session will be delivered by Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse.

    Domestic abuse and violence affects very high numbers of children within the UK and remains an LSCP priority for 2022- 2023. 

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, delegates will:

    • be able to define domestic abuse and coercive control 
    • recognise indicators of domestic abuse in survivors, perpetrators and children 
    • identify and explain tactics of abuse described in the power and control wheel 
    • recognise and explain the impact of domestic abuse on child development
    • identify appropriate risk assessment tools for survivors and children
    • identify and utilise referral pathways for early intervention, child protection and children in need. 
  • Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference MARAC workshop

    Book a place on the MARAC workshop via Eventbrite

    Instructions for how to join using Microsoft Teams will be sent to delegates who secure a place.

    A virtual half-day (9.30am to 1pm) workshop session for practitioners from agencies who may refer to MARAC for high risk domestic abuse cases.


    To increase awareness of frontline staff and managers on:

    • the dynamics of domestic abuse
    • domestic abuse risk assessment, including the SafeLives DASH Risk Indicator Checklist (RIC)
    • the MARAC process

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, delegates will:

    • the dynamics of domestic abuse
    • what constitutes a high-risk domestic abuse case
    • the scope and purpose of the MARAC, including how the MARAC fits alongside the on-going risk reduction work of frontline agencies
    • how to refer to the MARAC
  • Understanding Child Trafficking and Modern Slavery

    Book a place at the Understanding Child Trafficking and Modern Slavery Workshop via Eventbrite.

    This workshop, delivered by the Modern Slavery and Exploitation Coordinator, will explore how child trafficking and modern slavery impacts children and young people. By attending this training participants will have an increased ability to identify and respond to concerns.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, delegates will:

    • understand the definition of child trafficking and modern slavery
    • have looked at the different ways children can be exploited 
    • recognise the signs to identify child who are at risk/are being exploited
    • examining how to apply relevant legislation, such as the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the National Referral Mechanism
    • exploring the barriers that prevent children from disclosing exploitation 
    • identifying how we can respond to protect children from trafficking and modern slavery

    The training will be for three hours, with a break half-way through.

    To ensure this training is accessible for everyone, please contact [email protected] before the course to let her know if you would benefit from any adjustments being made. Additionally, if you have any concerns related to discussing child abuse and exploitation in a learning environment please make contact with Charlotte.

  • MASH Open Day

    Book MASH Open Day on Eventbrite 

    Come and visit one of the MASH Open Day Sessions where you will be able to learn about what MASH stands for, what we do, how MASH can help and who is involved within it. It will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions as well as get to know MASH processes a little more. 

     Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, delegates will: 

    • learn what Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) means 
      • the duties undertaken by MASH 
      • how MASH can help 
      • who is involved in MASH
  • Gangs and Child Exploitation

    Book Child Exploitation and Gangs on Eventbrite

    This full-day workshop delivered by multi-agency practitioners from the Integrated Gangs and Exploitation Unit, local authority and Police is an important area of learning within the wider context of safeguarding children.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, delegates will: 

    • have increased knowledge of Child Exploitation, Gang, Knife Crime & Missing episodes.
    • help identify, understand and respond to Children and Young People's needs & risks.
    • have an understanding of the:
      • context and trends of Serious Youth Violence and the Public Health approach to address it.
      • referral pathways and services available
  • Keeping Children Safer Online

    Book Keeping Children Safer Online on Eventbrite
    This workshop, delivered by the LSCP trainer and advocacy and participation manager (RBKC) will examine the risks (and benefits) of the internet to children and young people and explore how we can support them to navigate those risks.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, delegates will: 

    • review the risks, challenges and trends to children and young people.
    • consider how to support young people and parents/carers with keeping safer online
    • understand basic parental controls and where to look for support with this
    • have been signposted to useful resources
  • Learning From Case Reviews

    Book Learning From Reviews on Eventbrite
    LSCP Workshop which will give practitioners an opportunity to discuss, reflect on and learn from the latest Safeguarding Children Reviews.
    These 3-hour sessions will focus on a variety of topics from recent local and national serious case reviews, child safeguarding practice reviews, rapid reviews and learning reviews. Some of the recommendations and key learning will be explored and delegates will be encouraged to discuss the learning that applies to their setting and some changes that they may be able to implement.

    These sessions are suitable for all frontline practitioners and managers and, depending on the topic, may be more suited to some settings than others.

  • Harmful Practices workshop: "Honour" Based Violence, Forced Marriage and FGM

    Book any 'Harmful Practices' series workshops on Eventbrite

    Harmful practices are persistent practices and behaviours that are grounded on discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, age and other grounds as well as multiple and/or intersecting forms of discrimination that often involve violence and cause physical and/or psychological harm or suffering.

    Many harmful practices affect children and as such, the Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships are encouraging practitioners and managers to attend at least one learning event each year to stay up to date and confident in this very important topic.

    These are the workshops currently available (more may be added). Please click on the link above to book each workshop on Eventbrite:

    Wednesday 3 October 2024 Virginity testing and FGM
    Tuesday 15 October 2024 Experiences in the Latin American community
    Monday 11 November 2024 Forced marriage and so called honour based abuse
    Monday 2 December 2024 Arabic speaking women’s experiences of harmful practices
    Monday 25 November 2024 Harmful Practices conference
    Wednesday 22 January 2025 Virginity testing and FGM
    Wednesday 12 February 2025 Experiences in the Latin American community
    Wednesday 26 February 2025 Arabic speaking women’s experiences of harmful practices
    Tuesday 18 March 2025 Forced marriage and so called honour based abuse

  • Information Sharing Workshop (2 hour online workshop)

    Book information sharing on EventbriteThis 2-hour workshop delivered by the LSCP trainer is a very important area of learning within the wider context of safeguarding children.

    This workshop aims to clarify the requirements of information sharing, as outlined in the London Safeguarding Child Safeguarding Procedures.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, participants will:

    • Understand the requirements of information sharing
    • Have an opportunity to discuss a case scenario with colleagues
    • Be updated on information sharing guidance

    Please note this workshop will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams.

  • Young Carers awareness sessions

    Young Carers Awareness Briefing Session (1 hour)

    To book:

    This 1-hour session is ideal for professionals who would like some guidance around identifying Young Carers as well as an understanding of the provision available for Young Carers across Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) and Westminster (WCC). The session will look at the key identifying factors for young carers, the impact that caring roles can have on children and young people, as well as the support available to meet their needs. There will also be space for any questions and discussion throughout. 
    The session will also include information about support for children from Hammersmith and Fulham

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, participants will:

    • understand:
      • how we define a young carer 
      • how to identify a young carer
      • the impact of caring roles on children and young people
    • have awareness of:
      • how to refer a young carer for support in RBKC or WCC
      • the offer available to young carers across RBKC and WCC.

    Young Carers Awareness Training in depth session (3 hours)

    To book:

    Using DreamArts’ therapeutic arts methods, the training will involve interactive and practical tasks to unpack the following key areas: identification, assessment, and support of young carers. There will be an opportunity to discuss and reflect on these areas and to gain insights into the issues that young people with caring responsibilities, and their families, experience.
    We will explore some of the misconceptions surrounding what it means to be a young carer and why they remain a 'hidden' population within the UK. We will also hear from young carers within Westminster directly and spend time exploring the pathways available for young carers within Westminster City Council.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the workshop, participants will:

    • learn key facts, stats and information surrounding young carers across the UK
    • understand:
      • how to identify a young carer within your professional environment
      • the categories of caring responsibilities and what this might look like for a young carer on a day-to-day basis
      • how to approach a young carer, have a safe conversation about their caring responsibilities and offer them additional support in your professional practice
      • a young carer’s right to an assessment and how to carry out a young carers assessment within your professional practice

    Pan-London Safeguarding Children Training workshops

    Visit the London Safeguarding Children Partnership website for access to their upcoming Safeguarding Children Training workshops, which are offered free of charge.

    The range of workshops is updated throughout the year. Workshop places book up quickly but you can add your name to the waiting list if required.

    Suggest a course or ask a question

    The training calendar and how to book guide should take you through everything you need to know. But if you have a question it can't answer or want to suggest further courses that can be delivered for a multi-agency audience please do contact us.

    Darren Williams
    LSCP Learning and Development Administrator
    Email: [email protected]
    Telephone: 07739 315 081

    Are you worried about a child or young person?

    If you want to report any abuse or discuss concerns in relation to children and young people please contact:

    Hammersmith and Fulham, telephone: 020 8753 6610
    Kensington and Chelsea - [email protected], telephone: 020 7361 3013
    Westminster - [email protected], telephone: 020 7641 4000

    In an emergency call the police on 999.