
Bullying is behaviour by a person or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts others either physically or emotionally. Bullying can take many forms, and includes cyber-bullying via social media or the internet.


Bullying is not always easy to recognise as it can take a number of forms.
A child may encounter bullying attacks that are:

  • Physical: pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching and other forms of violence or threats
  • Verbal: name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing
  • Emotional: excluding (sending to Coventry), tormenting, ridiculing, humiliating.

Persistent bullying can result in:

  • Depression
  • Low self-esteem
  • Shyness
  • Poor academic achievement
  • Isolation
  • Threatened or attempted suicide

Signs that a child may be being bullied can be:

  • Coming home with cuts and bruises
  • Torn clothes
  • Asking for stolen possessions to be replaced
  • Losing dinner money
  • Falling out with previously good friends
  • Being moody and bad tempered
  • Wanting to avoid leaving their home
  • Aggression with younger brothers and sisters
  • Doing less well at school
  • Sleep problems
  • Anxiety
  • Becoming quiet and withdrawn

What Parents and Carers should do?

You should take action if…

  • You suspect or discover your own child or a child you know is being bullied;
  • You are concerned that your own child is bullying others.

Talk to the parents/carers of children who are being bullied or might be bullying others. Alternatively, talk to teachers/the school or, if it’s serious, you should talk to Children’s Social Care

Worried about a child or young person?

If you want to report any abuse or discuss concerns in relation to children and young people please contact:

In an emergency call the police on 999.