Residents' Associations Search

The Residents' Associations Listing is your directory of associations in the Borough.

Looking for details on all associations? View a full list of all residents' associations that have registered with us and elected to share their contact details.


Inclusion in this directory does not imply that the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council endorses any organisation and no responsibility is assumed for the information in their entries or their services.

We try to provide helpful up-to-date information about Resident Associations in our area including maps, but this information is subject to change and we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

If you notice any error or omission, please let us know by contacting [email protected]. It is our policy to correct errors or omissions as soon as these have been established reliably.

For further information please visit the Terms of use at the foot of this page.

Search Residents' Associations

You do not need to complete every field to return results. You can search by street, name, postcode or ward.

The results of your search will appear above this search box.