Contact us
Featured services
Report a problem in the borough
A step-by-step guide on how to report a problem in the borough.
Customer information for the Christmas and New Year holiday period
Rubbish collections, parking restrictions and opening hours of council services over Christmas and New Year.
Visit us
Information about the Customer Service Centre including full address, opening hours and transport links.
British Sign Language and InterpretersLive!
British Sign Language interpreters are now available - either live or follow up
Freedom of Information (FOI) requests
Information and guidance on how to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.
Find your councillor and ward using your postcode
You find your councillor and ward using your postcode or search by their name, political party or ward.
Codesigned service standards
Council staff and local residents have co-designed a new set of Service Standards to ensure residents receive the best service.
Customer information for the Bank Holiday weekend
Information on rubbish collections, parking restrictions and opening hours of Council services over the Bank Holiday weekend.