Council, councillors and democracy
Featured services
How the council works
Find out more about how the Council is including local people in decision-making.
Councillors and Committee Meetings
Search for a Councillor, speak at Full Council Meeting and view Council meetings and agendas.
How the Council manages money
How the Council spends money including the statement of accounts and credit ratings.
Open data and transparency
Find information and data about our suppliers, contracts, senior staff and salaries as well as the latest census.
Kensington and Chelsea Youth Participation
The Youth Council and other ways that young people can have their voice heard in Kensington and Chelsea.
Find your councillor and ward using your postcode
You find your councillor and ward using your postcode or search by their name, political party or ward.
Freedom of Information (FOI) requests
Information and guidance on how to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.
Speak at a Full Council Meeting
Information about how residents can register to speak at Full Council meetings.