Councillors and Committee Meetings
Council Committee meetings, agendas and reports
Access the Council Committees Management System, Council meetings' calendar, agendas and reports.
Councillors and their wards
Councillors and their wards including details about councillors elected at the most recent local elections.
Find your councillor and ward using your postcode
You find your councillor and ward using your postcode or search by their name, political party or ward.
Roles and responsibilities of your Councillors
Information about the roles and responsibilities of your Councillors.
Councillor allowances
Councillors' allowances and expense entitlements.
Register of Councillors' interests
Councillors' declarations of interests.
Councillor conduct
Documents relating to the conduct of councillors, including policies and arrangements for dealing with complaints.
Independent Ethics Panel
Information relating to the Independent Ethics Panel.
How to become a Councillor
If you’re considering becoming a councillor, you will find everything you need to know on the Be a Councillor website.
Speak at a full council meeting
How residents can register to speak at full council meetings.