Fair Processing Notice for 2 Year Old Funding


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This privacy notice explains to parents and carers how their personal information will be collected and shared by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea council to process applications for Two Year Old Funding.

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea council are the Data Controllers of this information and we will use this information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.  Your information will be held and transferred securely (including secure email) and only used and shared for the purposes of the 2 Year Old Funding application. 

By completing the on-line application form and submitting to us you are providing your consent for us to use this information to process your application for the Two Year Old Funding.  We will use and share the information you have provided to us to

  • contact the Department of Education using their on-line system called ECS Checker to verify your child’s entitlement
  • contact the Department of Education using their on-line system to  check eligibility for the Early Years Pupil Premium upon your child turning 3 years old 
  • register your family with your local children’s centre if you are not already registered to ensure you are kept informed of local services that can benefit your family

Once the eligibility checks have been completed, we may need to share your information with:

schools childcare providers, The Early Years Team, The Outreach Service to ensure you receive the most appropriate offer for your child and other benefits that you may be eligible to receive, we will discuss this with you to gain your consent prior to sharing this information.   

Communications with us (including on-line transactions) may be subject to monitoring and recording only for the purposes permitted by the Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000 in order to prevent or detect a crime, or investigate or detect the unauthorised use of the service.

Access to information is conducted on a strictly need to know basis and is held securely and confidentially.  Information is retained no longer than is necessary in line with the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea council’s Document Retention Policy before being securely disposed of/deleted from electronic systems.

We will only use and share your information with your consent however, there are certain circumstances in which we are legally required to share your personal information without your consent, for example:

  • By a court order
  • For the purposes of protecting vulnerable children and adults
  • For the prevention and detection of crime

Completion of this on-line form will automatically mean your information is shared with your local children’s centre. You can contact us at any time and ask us to stop processing your data for the purposes of Two Year Funding but this may impact on the information we can provide to assist you with your application. You can also withdraw your consent to receive electronic notices from us at any time. Please contact us by email [email protected] if you wish us to:

  • stop processing your data and/or
  • do not want us to share information with your children’s centre and/or
  • wish to withdraw your consent to receive electronic notices from us

Related Advice

  1. 2 year olds: 15 hours funded childcare support for eligible low-income families

Page last reviewed: 08/03/2024

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