Core Offer
What is core offer and how do I access it?
Families may be signposted to the Local Offer and other available services including those provided by the voluntary sector.
These are services where the Local Authority have given the service extra money to enable children and Pleyoung people access without the need for an assessment.
These services may ask to see proof of your child/young person's disability (DLA letter, paediatricians report or similar) and may ask what other services you are accessing to ensure that everyone gets a fair opportunity to access short breaks.
These services may be at Specialist Centres or in main stream provision
Please also see the attachments on this page for our upcoming core offer events at Tresham centre and other provision.
Please refer to our short breaks menu for our current core offer activities
For core offer activites in mainstream settings - please contact:
020 8968 2570
Please see below online resources:
This charity loans ‘play pods’ to families. A free loan of specialist toys for 12 weeks at a time. Families can apply online.