Childcare Works: Wraparound and Early Years toolkits
We are delighted to let you know that the Childcare Works Wraparound and Early Years Provider Toolkits have now been launched.
The toolkits are designed to be used by all providers of childcare, including PVI, childminders, school and Local Authority run provision. One toolkit is for Wraparound providers and one for Early Years providers. The purpose of the toolkits is to help childcare providers find the support they need for all aspects of starting, growing, and sustaining childcare settings and businesses.
Each toolkit has been curated by experts to bring the huge range of information, support and guidance already available into one easy to use resource. The toolkits complement information already available on the HUB and in addition to signposting to Government guidance and resources, connects to sector organisations, banks, and other expert advice and support.
Content is organised into six ‘topics’:
- Business Planning
- Business Growth
- Running of Your Childcare Provision
- Leadership and Management
- Partnership Working
- SEND and Inclusive Practice
Each topic contains sub-topics to make finding relevant content easy. Content is also searchable by business stage and providers can find content suitable for ‘start-up’, ‘growth’, and ‘sustain’ stages of their business.
You can access the toolkits on the tabs below: