The Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCP Test)
When is an EHC Needs Assessment conducted?
The local authority will decide whether to conduct an EHC Needs Assessment based on evidence submitted as part of the initial application for an EHCP.
If you have not yet applied for an EHCP, please click here.
If you have applied but have not received the local authority decision please click here.
What happens during the EHC Needs Assessment?
We'll work with our partners in Education, Health and Social Care to complete an assessment within 20 weeks.
We'll give you a named key worker who will arrange a meeting with you.
As part of the assessment, the SEN Service will also contact:
- teachers or staff at your child's nursery, school or college
- an educational psychologist
- specialist teachers from the specialist teaching and learning service if they are already involved
- a paediatrician (or your child’s GP if your child is over 18)
- a speech and language therapist, an occupational therapist or a physical therapist, if already involved
- Family Services (or Adult Social Care if your child is over 18 years old)
- anyone else we need advice from, or that you think we should seek information from
This information will help us see how your child’s needs affect his/her access to learning across a range of areas.
The forms used for professionals to give advice on a child or young person's Education, Health and Social Care needs can be downloaded below:
- EHC Social Care Request for Professional Advice - for social care professionals
- EHC Professional Information and Advice form - for all other professionals
How will my child and I be involved?
You and your child should be at the centre of the assessment process. We'll make sure you have time to prepare for meetings and give you time to share your views. You can come to any examinations or assessments your child needs.
How long will the needs assessment take?
Your key worker will aim to receive submissions from all professionals within 10 weeks of the EHC Request form being received. This will allow time for information to be collated ready for the meeting to co-produce the EHC Assessment Document, which will normally be arranged for the 12th week following your initial request for an assessment.
What is the EHC Assessment Document?
Within 12 weeks of the initial EHCP assessment request being received, a meeting will be arranged to begin co-producing the EHC Needs Assessment document. This document will include evidence of need provided by professionals through the EHC Needs Assessment process.
It is the EHC Assessment Document that will form the basis of any Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) should the Local Authority decide to proceed. The document will usually be completed in the 13th week, ready to be presented to the Stage 2 SEN Panel.