Supporting speech and language skills
This page summarises the help available for supporting speech and language skills.
The Community Early Years (pre-school) Service
The Community Early Years (pre-school) Service provide support to pre-school children (0-5 years). The Service offers blocks of sessions and then discharge. Parents are encouraged to contact the hub to request further support.
The Community Education Speech and Language Therapy service
The Community Education Speech and Language Therapy service offer support for children aged 4+ who are reception-age onwards. New referrals to this service for assessment and advice need to be made via the GP. Further information on referrals can be found at:
Early Years Speech and Language Therapy
Early Years Speech and Language Therapy works with families in identifying Social Communication Disorder, referring on for assessment and communication hub and some bespoke training to Parent Child Plus, Make it Happen, Full of Life when needed. They provide specialist packages of care introducing families to evidence based programmes such as intensive interaction, AAC. The service is for 0-5 years, and predominantly runs in health centres but can also be found in children’s centres and disability centres. The service is free and has an open referral system – the referral form is on the Local Offer and CLCH SLT website. Contact Liz Lowton for more information – email: [email protected]
Speech and Language Therapy Education service
Speech and Language Therapy Education service is a core school aged speech and language therapy (SLT) service for children and young people with EHCPs in mainstream schools and special schools. They provide training for teachers and parents, and specialist SLT support is provided to children and young people through statutory provision as outlined on their EHCP. For more information, contact Kate Saunders at [email protected]
Confident Communicators Programme
Intensive support for children with speech, language, and communication needs
What is it?
This is a new service for children aged 4 to 6, providing additional SLCN support in the classroom to help them meet their communication milestones. Teaching Assistants will be supported to deliver this offer by Speech and Language Therapists and an Advisory Teacher.
Who is it for?
This programme is for children aged 4 to 6 years old, with identified high speech and language and communication needs. Specific criteria can be found here alongside examples of how these needs may present.
How will it support my child?
Your child will receive a package of support to help them develop and use their communication skills. The support will be targeted to your child’s specific needs. Each child's progress will be reviewed at the end of each term.
By building on the support Children have received in the early years, this package will ensure that they have the best start to life at primary school.
What does it mean if my child joins the programme?
Your child will receive a package of support designed by a Speech and Language Therapist and an Advisory Teacher, delivered by school staff. As part of the package your child will also have access to direct speech and language therapy, delivered by a therapist. The length of the package will be based on the needs of your child and informed by regular reviews and goal setting.
How can my child take part?
Referrals for this programme can be made by your child's school in partnership with the schools linked Speech and Language Therapist. Speak to your child's School Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) for more details.
When does it start?
The Confident Communicators Programme will be available from September 2024
Key Documents