Funding equipment in schools for pupils with SEND


In general, it is the responsibility of the school and education setting to fund equipment that supports the needs of children or young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who attend. 

However, the Local Authority understands that it is not always reasonable to expect schools to fully fund certain pieces of expensive equipment especially where they are single bespoke items suitable only for the individual pupil.  Examples include items such as standing frames, specialist seats and individually tailored electronic equipment.

In this case, the Local Authority may consider contributing funding towards such equipment. It will do so in response to a request from the school or setting and make a decision on a case by case basis. 

To find out more about requests for funding and the eligibility requirements, please download a copy of our Equipment Statement

To make a referral, please download and return a referral form.


  1. Equipment statement RBKC v1.4
  2. Bi Borough equipment referral form v3

Page last reviewed: 14/04/2020

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